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| Stem Cell, PRP, Acupuncture in Queens & Long Island, New York
Back Pain | Stem Cell, PRP, Acupuncture in Queens & Long Island, New York
Tags: Back Pain | Posted on: 16-Jul-2019 | No of views: 4020 What is osteoarthritis? A lifetime of walking, exercising, and moving can take a toll on your cartilage — the smooth, rubbery connective tissue covering the ends of bones. The degeneration of cartilage can cause chronic inflammation in the joints, which may lead to arthritis. Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common form of arthritis. OA is also known as degenerative joint disease. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), about 30 million adults in the United States have OA. That makes OA one of the leading causes of disability in adults.
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Tags: Back Pain | Posted on: 08-Jul-2019 | No of views: 3886 Having a sore back is one of the most common reasons why American visit a doctor. And every year, our nation coughs up $80 billion for treatments. Plus, for back pain, surgery is not only discouraged, but it’s often ineffective. (Research suggests patients who undergo surgery for back pain will often end up having to do more surgery.) This is because doctors can only guess what’s going on. Colorful MRI will show a lot of suspects. But in the end, they’re just that — suspects. Correcting each one of them, hoping it will reduce the pain is fruitless.
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Tags: Back Pain | Posted on: 05-Jul-2019 | No of views: 4149 Is someone in your life suffering from back pain? While it is disconcerting to see a loved one in pain, there are things you can do to help them gain control of their pain as they progress through rehabilitation. If you're the one with back pain, consider forwarding this blog to a loved one who can help you out. The social buttons above are an easy way to share the article via social media networks. The tips here outline how friends, family members, and colleagues can make simple changes that show the person with back pain that you do understand and want to help them.
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Tags: Back Pain | Posted on: 28-Jun-2019 | No of views: 4243 Yoga is an ancient practice that unites the body, mind, and spirit through physical and mental exercises. Many back pain patients incorporate yoga into their treatment plan because of the physical and mental (relaxation) benefits they receive from the practice. Though they vary in method and practice, each style of yoga is grounded in three main components: 1. Body posture, 2. Breathing, 3. Meditation
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Tags: Back Pain | Posted on: 26-Jun-2019 | No of views: 3964 Studies show that most of us experience back pain at some point in our lives. Back pain has a wide range of causes; it can originate from a severe spine injury, sports injury, accidents, or even bad posture. More often than not, the constant wear and tear of the spine induce back pain. Apart from that, an injury that has aggravated over the years can also lead to excruciating pain in the back.
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Tags: Back Pain | Posted on: 23-Jun-2019 | No of views: 4093 For some people, the greatest back health benefits come from combining medical treatments (such as back pain medications, injections, spine surgery, etc.) along with alternative health care options like yoga or Pilates. Here are just a few alternative options that you might want to consider:
Pilates helps support the spine - Pilates is an exercise program that focuses on the core postural muscles that are essential to providing support for the spine and helping alleviate back pain. Learning awareness of neutral alignment of the spine and strengthening the deep postural muscles that support this alignment are important skills for the back pain patient.
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Tags: Back Pain | Posted on: 18-May-2019 | No of views: 4120 Unlike some health conditions that need to be resolved as soon as possible, such as a broken bone, some forms of low back pain actually don't need to be fixed. Low back pain usually just needs to be managed through a combination of pain management techniques. One of the most common forms of low back pain is called mechanical back pain, which is often associated with degenerative disc disease. Of course, anything called degenerative disc disease does sound awful, but the symptoms of the disease do not necessarily always progress.
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Tags: Back Pain | Posted on: 11-May-2019 | No of views: 3728 Many aspects of diagnosing and treating back pain are controversial in the medical community. However, one area that the medical community does generally agree on is the role of rehabilitation (physical therapy and back exercise) in helping recover from back pain and preventing or minimizing future recurrences of back pain. If a pain problem has persisted for many weeks, the body is signaling that there are barriers to the healing process that need to be eliminated. In back pain, exercise and rehabilitation are critical in stimulating the healing process.
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Tags: Back Pain | Posted on: 09-May-2019 | No of views: 4166 Few things are as life shrinking as chronic pain. Health economists report that chronic pain costs our nation billions each year in medical treatment and lost productivity – more than cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. Painkillers have been the only relief medication in modern history. That’s changing with Platelet-Rich Plasma. It has been emerging as one of the key players in pain management.
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Tags: Back Pain | Posted on: 27-Apr-2019 | No of views: 5417 Are you doing everything you can to optimize your spine treatment? Working with your spine care professional by taking care of your back will optimize medical treatments. We've compiled a list of self-care suggestions to incorporate into your overall health plan: Acupuncture. In 1998, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) released a statement that acupuncture has beneficial pain-relieving qualities that might be useful as a treatment for lower back pain and other painful conditions.
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