Pain Management | Stem Cell, PRP, Acupuncture in Queens & Long Island, New York

  • Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy Vs. Stem Cell Therapy

    Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy Vs. Stem Cell Therapy

    The human body is an amazing machine that has the capability to heal itself. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and stem cell therapies are two exciting regenerative medical treatments that are changing the face of medicine. But while there are many similarities between PRP and stem cell therapies, there are a number of differences, too. Read on to learn about these two treatments that are changing how we heal.

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  • Can Being More Knowledgeable Help Reduce Back Pain?

    Can Being More Knowledgeable Help Reduce Back Pain?

    There is a process of healing. We are finding out more and more about this process with each study into information and health outcomes. What we are finding out is: when people are given information about their health problem in a way they can understand it, they are able to make more informed decisions about their treatment options and have a better chance of healing.

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  • Stem Cell Therapy Myths

    Stem Cell Therapy Myths

    We help people heal from numerous conditions using the healing power of their own stem cells through regenerative medicine. Since stem cell therapy is a relatively new area of treatment and research, there are many myths surrounding it. Here are some stem cell myths that we would like to debunk. Let the facts help you decide whether or not stem cell therapy is right for you.

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  • Tips for a Healthy Back

    Tips for a Healthy Back

    There are many things you can do to help your back that your doctor may or may not have mentioned to you. We realize that you have probably already educated yourself about the basics of back care, but the following points in particular bear repeating.

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  • Non-Surgical Treatments for Upper Back Pain

    Non-Surgical Treatments for Upper Back Pain

    When upper back pain has lingered or not responded to rest and other self-care methods, a medical professional may be needed to develop a treatment plan that can reduce the pain.

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  • Using a Foam Roller to Relieve Neck Pain

    Using a Foam Roller to Relieve Neck Pain

    A foam roller may be just the thing you need to ease your neck pain. This styrofoam cylinder, often available at gyms, is a popular way for people to stretch their muscles or perform a self-massage.

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  • Early Treatments for Upper Back Pain

    Early Treatments for Upper Back Pain

    If upper back pain develops without any signs of an emergency, most people can safely try to alleviate the pain on their own. Several self-care treatments for upper back pain exist. In some cases, a combination of one or more treatments is needed to help reduce the pain.

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  • The History of Stem Cell Treatment

    The History of Stem Cell Treatment

    Regenerative medicine, especially the use of stem cells, is the explosive new form of medical treatment available for many types of physical injuries and conditions. And, while research is ongoing and science continues to find new uses for stem cells to improve human health, the discovery of stem cells and how they work in the body has been a topic of study for more than 100 years. Although we think of stem cells as being a recent discovery, it was a Russian histologist who first coined the term “stem cell” to describe something he observed about blood, in 1908. Alexander Maksimov proposed the term for the discovery that all blood cells develop from a common precursor cell.

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  • Pain Types and Classifications

    Pain Types and Classifications

    It's safe to say most of us are not big fans of pain. Nevertheless, it is one of the body's most important communication tools. Imagine, for instance, what would happen if you felt nothing when you put your hand on a hot stove. Pain is one way the body tells you something's wrong and needs attention. But pain, whether it comes from a bee sting, a broken bone, or a long-term illness -- is also an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience. It has multiple causes, and people respond to it in multiple and individual ways. The pain that you push your way through might be incapacitating to someone else.

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  • Causes of Upper Back Pain

    Causes of Upper Back Pain

    The course of upper back pain—and how to treat it—depends on the underlying cause of the condition. Even in cases where it seems obvious what started the upper back pain, such as an injury from a fall, the specific source of pain within the body can sometimes remain elusive. Regardless of whether the exact source of upper back pain can be determined, it helps to know the various potential causes in order to better narrow down which treatments may be best.

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