Pain Management | Stem Cell, PRP, Acupuncture in Queens & Long Island, New York

  • Non-Surgical Treatments for Lower Back Pain

    Non-Surgical Treatments for Lower Back Pain

    The goal of medical treatments is to reduce pain, but these treatments do not change the underlying source of pain. A doctor will typically prescribe medical treatments alongside a physical therapy program or other regimen.

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  • Early Treatments for Lower Back Pain

    Early Treatments for Lower Back Pain

    Many treatment options for low back pain can be tailored to an individual patient’s needs. Treatments include care administered at home, medicinal remedies, alternative care, or even surgery. Depending on the patient's diagnosis, some treatments may be more effective than others. Many people find that a combination of treatments is best.

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  • Diagnosing Lower Back Pain

    Diagnosing Lower Back Pain

    Obtaining an accurate diagnosis that identifies the underlying cause of the pain, and doesn’t just correlate to the symptoms, is important in guiding treatment. As a foundation of the diagnostic process, the patient provides a detailed description of symptoms and medical history. From this information, a doctor will usually have a general idea of the source of the patient’s pain.

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  • Symptoms of Lower Back Pain

    Symptoms of Lower Back Pain

    Low back pain might begin as acute due to an injury but can become chronic. Managing pain appropriately at an early stage can help limit symptoms in both time and severity Identifying the symptoms and getting a diagnosis that pinpoints the underlying cause of the pain is the first step in obtaining effective pain relief.

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  • Causes of Lower Back Pain

    Causes of Lower Back Pain

    Most commonly, mechanical issues and soft-tissue injuries are the cause of low back pain. These injuries can include damage to the intervertebral discs, compression of nerve roots, and improper movement of the spinal joints. The single most common cause of lower back pain is a torn or pulled muscle and/or ligament.

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  • Common Misunderstandings About Treatments for Back Pain and Spinal Issues

    Common Misunderstandings About Treatments for Back Pain and Spinal Issues

    Treatment for lower back pain is usually initiated without a specific diagnosis or medical consultation. For effective care and relief of symptoms, a treatment program that is coordinated by a healthcare professional is recommended. Here are a few common myths about the treatments available for back pain and the accurate facts supporting the truth for each.

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  • Common Misconceptions Regarding the Causes of Back Pain and Spinal Issues

    Common Misconceptions Regarding the Causes of Back Pain and Spinal Issues

    Doctors often come across misconceptions and superstitious beliefs about the causes of back pain and back problems. While several theories are passed down from well-meaning grandmothers, others come from content found on the internet. Learning the truth behind the myths from a trusted source is important for treating back problems in a medically accurate way and preventing further damage to the tissues.

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  • Debunking the Myths and Unveiling the Truths About Back Pain and Spinal Issues

    Debunking the Myths and Unveiling the Truths About Back Pain and Spinal Issues

    The experience of back pain can be complex. Many back problems are difficult to diagnose and typically involve a wide variety of treatment options with various risks and benefits. Also, there are many myths and misconceptions about back pain, and some misunderstandings can lead to harmful coping strategies and prolonged recovery times.

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  • Understanding the Causes of Upper Back and Chest Pain

    Understanding the Causes of Upper Back and Chest Pain

    Upper back pain and chest pain occurring together can be especially concerning because vital organs, such as the heart, may potentially be involved. An understanding of the symptoms, underlying mechanisms, and causes of this type of pain can help differentiate between a commonly occurring condition and a medical emergency.

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  • What Are the Causes of Upper Back and Chest Pain?

    What Are the Causes of Upper Back and Chest Pain?

    When upper back and chest pain occur together, the symptoms can vary widely depending on the cause or severity. Some people may experience mild discomfort or tightness while others may have sharp or intense pain. This pain may be one-sided (left or right) or on both sides. Below are potential causes of upper back and chest pain appearing at the same time.

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