Pain Management | Stem Cell, PRP, Acupuncture in Queens & Long Island, New York

  • 5 Tips to Relieve Sciatica Pain

    5 Tips to Relieve Sciatica Pain

    The nerve pain that comprises sciatica can significantly impede your ability to enjoy life, so it’s worth researching and learning as many options as you can to relieve your pain. Below are 5 tips that you may not have heard before, all of which may contribute to sciatic pain reduction:
    1. Reduce Inflammation Through Nutrition - A diet rich in whole grains, natural foods, fruits, vegetables, nuts, fatty fish, salmon, and soluble and insoluble fiber can effectively reduce inflammation.1 Curcumin (turmeric), ginger, green tea, and black tea are also potent sources of anti-inflammatory substances1 that help build up immunity and improve overall health.

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  • Pain Management: Herniated Disc

    Pain Management: Herniated Disc

    Are You Suffering from a “Slipped” Disc? Herniated discs, also known as ruptured or “slipped” discs, are a common back condition that can sometimes result in back pain. A herniated disc occurs when one of the rubbery pieces of cartilage between the vertebrae ruptures or slips out of place. This can cause pain in the back, leg, arm, or neck. If you are experiencing pain in these areas, expert pain specialists can help. These specialists focus on non-surgical, conservative treatments.

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  • What Is Spinal Cord Stimulation

    What Is Spinal Cord Stimulation

    Waking up each day to debilitating back or neck pain can wreak havoc on your life. And the road to relief through surgery or medications may not appeal to you because both choices carry considerable risks. Or perhaps you’ve already had surgery and the pain persists. Whatever the case, there’s one treatment method that has garnered a good deal of success among patients with hard-to-treat spine pain a spinal cord stimulator. Our highly trained pain management team has one mission to bring relief to patients using the widest range of tools available. If you’ve tried several different approaches to your back and neck pain, but you’re still struggling, it may be time to explore new options, such as the spinal cord stimulator.

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  • How to Improve Your Bone Health

    How to Improve Your Bone Health

    Maintaining strong bones as you age can reduce the risk for osteoporosis and related complications, such as painful vertebral compression fractures in the spine. Try these 11 tips to improve your bone health and protect your body. Participate in Weight-Bearing Exercise Regularly performing weight-bearing activities is a great way to build and maintain bone mass.

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  • Pain Management: Fibromyalgia

    Pain Management: Fibromyalgia

    A chronic disorder characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain, fatigue, and tenderness in localized areas - Fibromyalgia is pain that is felt in the muscles, tendons, ligaments, and joints throughout the entire body. Researchers think it may be the result of overactive pain receptors in the brain. Genetics may play a role in developing the condition since fibromyalgia has been known to run in families. It also affects more women than men.

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  • Arthritis Treatments That Help Manage Your Pain

    Arthritis Treatments That Help Manage Your Pain

    Arthritis affects a large percentage of the population in the United States, with numbers that range between 54 and 78 million. And of the 100 million people in the United States who struggle with chronic pain, no small percentage is due to the many different forms of joint disease. Since there’s no cure for arthritis, this leaves the medical world to find ways to better manage the disease, which includes pain relief.

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  • 4 Reasons You May Have a Stiff Back

    4 Reasons You May Have a Stiff Back

    There are many underlying causes of a stiff back and knowing the shortlist of possible causes of your back stiffness will help you have a more productive discussion with your doctor. Here are 4 common underlying causes of back stiffness with or without pain:
    1. Tight Muscles in Your Thighs and Hips - Tightness in certain groups of muscles in your thighs and/or hips may alter the biomechanics of your spine. Common examples are : Tight Hamstrings, Tight Hip Flexors.

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  • Pain Management: Facet Syndrome

    Pain Management: Facet Syndrome

    We Can Treat Your Back Pain Without Surgery - Facet syndrome is a spinal condition that causes persistent pain in the back or neck. It is usually caused by normal wear and tears on the spine, with symptoms usually presenting themselves after age 50. Younger people who suffer from facet syndrome most likely suffered a spinal injury. Each vertebra in the spine has a coating of cartilage that allows it to glide past other bones without any issues. Cartilage wears down over time, making the friction between bones more intense. This can result in bone spurs, pain, and arthritis.

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  • Ketamine Can Help with Fibromyalgia Pain

    Ketamine Can Help with Fibromyalgia Pain

    If you’re struggling with fibromyalgia, you’re no stranger to pain, which can hijack your life in countless ways. And finding relief for this musculoskeletal pain is frustrating since the origin of the pain appears to stem from a problem in the way the neurotransmitters in your brain function. To tackle the pain where it starts your brain many pain management specialists are turning to ketamine infusion therapy. If you’re living with fibromyalgia, here’s a look at how ketamine can help.

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  • Is Poor Posture Causing Your Back Pain?

    Is Poor Posture Causing Your Back Pain?

    Unsupported postures cause the loads on your spine to disperse incorrectly, weakening the tissues in your lower back. As a result, the intricate network of muscles, discs, and joints in your back tend to be pushed beyond their tolerable limit, causing pain. Likewise, a sudden injury from lifting a heavy object incorrectly can cause immediate back pain and dysfunction. Here are the most common back postures that lead to pain and actions you can take to correct them.

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