Pain Management | Stem Cell, PRP, Acupuncture in Queens & Long Island, New York

  • Musculoskeletal Pain Conditions Addressed by PRP Therapy

    Musculoskeletal Pain Conditions Addressed by PRP Therapy

    Patellar tendinopathy (PT) is “jumper’s knee,” a clinical and chronic overuse condition of unknown pathogenesis and etiology. A large proportion of patients are refractory to conservative treatment, and a variety of new therapies have emerged, including PRP injections. PRP-containing growth factors have been shown to play a role in tendon healing.

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  • Conditions Treated By PRP Therapy

    Conditions Treated By PRP Therapy

    Low back pain (LBP) involves a spectrum of different types of pain (e.g., nociceptive, neuropathic, neoplastic, and nonspecific) that frequently overlap. LBP can be caused by lumbar spine elements (e.g., soft tissue, vertebrae, zygapophyseal and sacroiliac joints, intervertebral discs, and neurovascular structures). Therapy for LBP usually begins with self-care and medication in combination with non-pharmacological methods, such as physical therapy and psychological treatment, in appropriate patients.

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  • Types of Osteoarthritis Treated By PRP Therapy

    Types of Osteoarthritis Treated By PRP Therapy

    Symptomatic knee osteoarthritis (OA) is a leading cause of disability globally with a significant financial impact. The development of knee OA involves the cartilage and the entire joint, with changes in the articular bone, synovial membrane, joint capsule, ligaments, and musculature around the joint. There is no disease-modifying therapy for the management of OA; therefore, the treatment goals are to improve pain and function.

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  • PRP Therapy In The Management of Musculoskeletal Pain

    PRP Therapy In The Management of Musculoskeletal Pain

    Musculoskeletal pain is the most common pain reported by patients. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is widely used to treat musculoskeletal pain. However, the efficacy of PRP to treat this pain remains controversial. This review highlights the application of PRP in the treatment of musculoskeletal pain. PRP treatment appears to reduce pain and improve function in patients with musculoskeletal pain.

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  • Benefits of PRP Therapy for Chronic Pain

    Benefits of PRP Therapy for Chronic Pain

    More than 20% of adults in the United States suffer from chronic pain, which is persistent pain that lasts three or more months. This pain affects your physical, emotional, social, and financial well-being. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy is becoming a popular treatment for people suffering from chronic pain. Here, we share five benefits of PRP therapy for chronic pain.

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  • Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Injections

    Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Injections

    Platelet-rich plasma consists of two elements: plasma, or the liquid portion of blood, and platelets, a type of blood cell that plays an important role in healing throughout the body. Platelets are well-known for their clotting abilities, but they also contain growth factors that can trigger cell reproduction and stimulate tissue regeneration or healing in the treated area. Platelet-rich plasma is simply blood that contains more platelets than normal.

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  • Whiplash Treatments and Recovery

    Whiplash Treatments and Recovery

    Limited evidence exists in current medical literature to support certain whiplash treatment methods over others. Aside from a consensus on staying active (if possible), many treatment options appear to come down to the patient’s unique situation and symptoms, as well as preference. For most people, whiplash results in mild ligament sprains and/or muscle strains that heal within a few days or weeks.

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  • Diagnosing Whiplash

    Diagnosing Whiplash

    Whiplash is diagnosed by a clinician when the patient reports some neck pain in the aftermath of trauma capable of causing an acceleration-deceleration injury – most commonly a motor vehicle accident. However, the specifics of a whiplash diagnosis can be complex and have long been the subject of controversy. In the mid-and late-1800s, there were increasingly common disputes regarding train passengers injured in collisions and whether their claims of the mysterious “railway spine” were legitimate.

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  • Whiplash Symptoms and Associated Disorders

    Whiplash Symptoms and Associated Disorders

    For some people, whiplash symptoms can be so minor that they go away within a couple of days. For others, the symptoms can become varied and chronic, ranging from severe pain to cognitive and emotional problems. Whiplash symptoms might manifest immediately following the acceleration-deceleration accident, or they can appear in a few hours or days. Oftentimes the exact underlying cause remains unknown for some whiplash symptoms despite today’s best diagnostic techniques.

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  • What Is Whiplash?

    What Is Whiplash?

    Whiplash occurs when the neck and head are suddenly forced backward and forward, putting the cervical spine through lightning-quick motions and extreme stresses. Most cases of whiplash are caused by car accidents where the person has been rear-ended. Other potential whiplash causes, while comparatively rare, can include assault, bungee jumping, rollercoaster, football, falls while skiing or during equestrian events and other high-impact activities where extreme acceleration-deceleration forces might be applied to the cervical spine.

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