Platelet-rich Plasma (prp) | Stem Cell, PRP, Acupuncture in Queens & Long Island, New York

  • 3. Knee Osteoarthritis Diagnosis

    3. Knee Osteoarthritis Diagnosis

    While no single test can definitively diagnose osteoarthritis of the knee, physicians use a comprehensive approach that is verified by diagnostic imaging to arrive at a clinical diagnosis. It is important to clarify that most individuals over age 50 will have signs of osteoarthritis in their major joints that can be seen on an x-ray, but most will have no symptoms, so the medical provider will not rely on diagnostic studies (such as an x-ray or MRI) alone. An accurate diagnosis will come following a comprehensive medical history and physical examination by the healthcare provider.

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  • 2. Knee Osteoarthritis Causes

    2. Knee Osteoarthritis Causes

    No one knows the exact cause of knee osteoarthritis, but most people who develop osteoarthritis have at least one of the traits below. Two chief risk factors for developing knee osteoarthritis are advanced age and obesity.

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  • 1. Knee Osteoarthritis Symptoms

    1. Knee Osteoarthritis Symptoms

    Knee pain and stiffness are classic signs of knee osteoarthritis. These symptoms tend to progress gradually, and many people initially attribute knee soreness or discomfort to lack of exercise or getting older. Many dismiss their early knee arthritis symptoms as "no big deal" until they worsen and start to interrupt one’s ability to enjoy everyday activities.

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  • PRP – Platelet Rich Plasma treatments in Long Island & Queens, New York

    PRP – Platelet Rich Plasma treatments in Long Island & Queens, New York

    Platelet Rich Plasma therapy (PRP) is a groundbreaking non-operative treatment option that relieves pain by naturally promoting long-lasting healing of musculoskeletal conditions. The acronym PRP has most recently been featured in the news with the rising popularity of the treatment among professional athletes, recreational athletes, and highly functional individuals.

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  • Stem Cell & PRP Procedures for Hand & Basal Joint

    Stem Cell & PRP Procedures for Hand & Basal Joint

    The regenerative treatments for CMC Arthritis and other injuries and conditions in the hand joints and wrist utilizes your own stem cells, blood platelets and/or growth factors to help repair damaged areas that are causing pain.

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  • Stem Cell & PRP Procedures for Elbow Injuries, Overuse Conditions and Arthritis

    Stem Cell & PRP Procedures for Elbow Injuries, Overuse Conditions and Arthritis

    If you are experiencing elbow pain, Stem Cell & Platelet Rich Plasma procedures are likely an excellent treatment option. In recent years, several studies have shown the effectiveness of Platelet Rich Plasma in treating elbow tendon and ligament issues. In fact, these studies are so decisive that at this point in time, there are very few cases where surgery would be recommended for anything but the most severe elbow injuries.

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  • Stem Cell & PPR Procedures for Low Back Pain and Spine Conditions

    Stem Cell & PPR Procedures for Low Back Pain and Spine Conditions

    We help patients Avoid Spine Surgery and enable Fast Recovery by using Stem Cell or Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) treatments. These procedures utilize the patient’s own natural growth factors and stem cells to treat bulging or herniated discs, degenerative conditions in the spine, and other back and spine conditions that cause pain.

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  • Stem Cell & PPR Procedures for Hip Injuries, Arthritis, Bursitis and Other Degenerative Conditions

    Stem Cell & PPR Procedures for Hip Injuries, Arthritis, Bursitis and Other Degenerative Conditions

    Hip surgery alternatives are breakthrough, non-surgical stem-cell treatments for people suffering from hip pain due to common injuries, hip arthritis, avascular necrosis, osteonecrosis, hip bursitis or other degenerative problems related to the hip joint.

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  • What Is Regenerative Medicine?

    What Is Regenerative Medicine?

    Regenerative medicine seeks to replace tissue or organs that have been damaged by disease, trauma, or congenital issues, vs. the current clinical strategy that focuses primarily on treating the symptoms.

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