Pain Management | Stem Cell, PRP, Acupuncture in Queens & Long Island, New York

  • Ease Your Neck Pain With a Stellate Ganglion Block

    Ease Your Neck Pain With a Stellate Ganglion Block

    If you have ongoing neck pain or pain in your head, arms, hands, or upper chest, it's time to talk with medical professionals about a stellate ganglion block. Even when medications don’t help, a nerve block can quickly ease your pain. When we combine an anesthetic with steroid medications, most patients finally achieve a level of pain relief they can't get from other conventional treatments.

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  • What You Need To Know About Spinal Cord Stimulation

    What You Need To Know About Spinal Cord Stimulation

    Diminishing Signals of Pain - Spinal cord stimulation works by disguising pain signals that cause chronic pain. Using electric pulses, spinal cord stimulation is able to diminish signals of pain before they are recognized by the brain. The pain management physician provides spinal cord stimulation therapy for patients experiencing chronic pain that may occur in the back, legs, or arms.

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  • Pain Management: All Your Self-Help Options

    Pain Management: All Your Self-Help Options

    This comprehensive guide will take you through pain management options and techniques for chronic pain, helping you make the best choices. Chronic pain is defined as pain that lasts longer than three months, and the latest statistics show that it affects around 20.5% of the world's population – that’s around 1.5 billion people! When we see medical professionals about our pain, typically this consists of brief appointments every few months. Meaning that the majority of managing your pain is done at home in your own time.

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  • The Difference Between Arthritis and Bursitis

    The Difference Between Arthritis and Bursitis

    At first glance, arthritis and bursitis seem similar. They’re two of the most common joint problems. They both involve inflammation, cause joint pain, and affect your ability to use the joint. Despite these similarities, arthritis and bursitis are more different than alike. They each have a distinct cause. Additionally, the nature of your pain and the impact on your long-term health differ.

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  • What You Need To Know About Hip And Knee Pain

    What You Need To Know About Hip And Knee Pain

    Common Symptoms of Hip & Knee Pain - Symptoms will vary from person to person and may also change over the years. Some patients feel continuous pain, while others may only experience it frequently. Get in touch with a pain specialist if you experience any of the following symptoms: Tenderness or swelling in and around the knee/hip.

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  • The Mind Body Approach to Pain Management

    The Mind Body Approach to Pain Management

    You might have heard about mind-body treatments and wondered what they are! This article guides you through the details and the range of mind-body therapies available. The connection between our mind and body is a powerful one. Our brains control all our bodily processes, including chronic pain! This doesn’t mean that your pain is ‘all in your head or not real.

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  • Can Nerve Blocks Help With Cancer Pain?

    Can Nerve Blocks Help With Cancer Pain?

    Cancer pain is incredibly complex. The pain you experience during cancer treatment arises from multiple causes. And the pain continues to plague 40% of cancer survivors. No matter where you are in your cancer journey, your health and well-being improve when you have personalized cancer pain management that keeps your pain under control.

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  • Treatment Options for Hand & Wrist Pain

    Treatment Options for Hand & Wrist Pain

    Treatment Options for Hand & Wrist Pain - We are ultimately turning back the clock and restoring the health of injured tissue, with the purpose of eliminating the need for long-term treatment plans. If you suffer from any of the above conditions, then you may benefit from our unique nonsurgical injections to stem cell-enhanced surgery options.

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  • How to Mentally Cope with Chronic Pain

    How to Mentally Cope with Chronic Pain

    Living in chronic pain can take its toll on your mental state. This article takes you through coping strategies to make things easier. Chronic pain is not only taxing on your body, it can be extremely difficult to deal with emotionally. It can feel as though chronic pain has taken over every aspect of your life, sapping away the joy and making every action harder.

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  • Common Causes of Hand Pain

    Common Causes of Hand Pain

    Maybe you’re one of the lucky people who haven’t had to deal with hand pain. But even so, you can easily imagine what your day would be like all the things you would struggle to do if you couldn’t use your hand. The medical team understands how important it is to regain full, pain-free function in your hands. They use advanced diagnostic tools to determine the source of your pain. Then they create customized treatment plans that draw from an array of medical specialties to overcome hand problems as quickly as possible.

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