Pain Management | Stem Cell, PRP, Acupuncture in Queens & Long Island, New York

  • Early Treatments for Upper Back Pain

    Early Treatments for Upper Back Pain

    If upper back pain develops without any signs of an emergency, most people can safely try to alleviate the pain on their own. Several self-care treatments for upper back pain exist. In some cases, a combination of one or more treatments is needed to help reduce the pain.

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  • Chronic Pain: Treatment Options

    Chronic Pain: Treatment Options

    Treating chronic pain - Recognizing that chronic pain is a problem is the first step in finding treatment. Start by talking to your doctor about chronic pain symptoms. Together you can identify the source of the pain and come up with a comprehensive treatment plan that takes into account your overall health and lifestyle. Over-the-counter (OTC) and prescription medications are often used to manage pain. However, for many people, a combination of treatments is most effective.

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  • Chronic Pain: Where it Hurts the Most

    Chronic Pain: Where it Hurts the Most

    As a doctor who sees firsthand the damage that chronic pain creates in people’s lives, I believe improving how we treat pain is the single most important public health challenge that we face but not because of the opioid crisis or the $ 600 billion spent each year on treating pain and lost productivity. From my perspective, chronic pain’s most devastating effect, hidden just below the surface of all the tragic stories, is its impact on our most essential core need love.

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  • Causes of Upper Back Pain

    Causes of Upper Back Pain

    The course of upper back pain and how to treat it depends on the underlying cause of the condition. Even in cases where it seems obvious what started the upper back pain, such as an injury from a fall, the specific source of pain within the body can sometimes remain elusive. Regardless of whether the exact source of upper back pain can be determined, it helps to know the various potential causes in order to better narrow down which treatments may be best.

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  • Chronic Pain Syndrome – Diagnosis & Treatment

    Chronic Pain Syndrome – Diagnosis & Treatment

    Diagnosis of Chronic Pain Syndrome - The first thing your doctor will do is take a thorough medical history. You’ll be asked things like: when your pain started, what it feels like (for example, burning and sharp or dull and aching), where it’s located, if anything makes it better or worse. Because certain conditions can lead to chronic pain syndrome, your doctor may order imaging tests to determine if there is joint or tissue damage that may explain your pain. For example, your doctor may order an MRI to determine if your pain is stemming from a herniated disk, an X-ray to see if you have osteoarthritis or a blood test to check for rheumatoid arthritis.

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  • Health Benefits of Yoga

    Health Benefits of Yoga

    Anyone Can Do It - You don’t have to be flexible, fit, or comfortable wearing spandex to practice yoga. You don’t have to be young, wealthy, or able-bodied. You don’t even need a ton of free time. You can practice yoga in a wheelchair, at home in your pajamas, or in as little as 5-minute slices of time. You can do very challenging yoga poses or more gentle ones. Look for yoga classes that fit your needs or find a video online that suits you.

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  • 3 Ways Upper Back Pain Is Different

    3 Ways Upper Back Pain Is Different

    Regardless of whether spinal pain originates in the neck, upper back, or lower back, it can become bad enough to reduce your ability to enjoy an active lifestyle. But there are also some aspects that make upper back pain different from neck and lower back pain. Let’s explore 3 of them. 1 - Upper Back Pain Is Less Common - Estimates regarding the prevalence of upper back pain vary widely. However, compared to neck pain and lower back pain, upper back pain is considered relatively rare. One commonly cited reason for less upper back pain is that the thoracic spine has extra support from its attachment to the rib cage, which is critical for protecting vital organs. Meanwhile, the neck and lower back are more mobile and likelier to...

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  • What Is Chronic Pain Syndrome?

    What Is Chronic Pain Syndrome?

    Most pain subsides after an injury heals or an illness runs its course. But with chronic pain syndrome, pain can last for months and even years after the body heals. It can even occur when there’s no known trigger for the pain. According to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, chronic pain is defined as lasting anywhere from 3 to 6 months, and it affects some 25 million Americans.

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  • Can Yoga Ease Your Pain?

    Can Yoga Ease Your Pain?

    Have a pain problem and wondering if yoga can help? I understand – not just as a doctor, but also as a patient. I took up yoga when I was struggling with a knee problem, well over a decade ago now. While I initially experimented with yoga with the hope that it would improve how my knee felt, I soon discovered that it could help me in much bigger ways, including bettering my mood, teaching me to better manage stress, and just plain helping me smile after a rough day. Frankly, I have found yoga to be so impactful that I can’t imagine going without it – and yes, it did seem to reduce the pain in my knee.

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  • Exercising with Lower Back Pain: What About Work?

    Exercising with Lower Back Pain: What About Work?

    If you suffer from a lower back condition like a lumbar herniated disc or spinal stenosis your doctor will likely recommend exercise as part of your treatment program. But what should you do if your exercise regimen exacerbates your lower back condition? Should you work through the pain?
    Soreness vs. pain related to a lower back condition - Before we talk about whether you should work through your lower back pain, let’s quickly look at the difference between soreness and pain related to a lower back condition. Minor soreness is a natural result of exercise, and it is especially prominent amongst those who are new to exercising.

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