Health And Wellness | Stem Cell, PRP, Acupuncture in Queens & Long Island, New York

  • 4 Shoulder Stretches You Can Do at Work

    4 Shoulder Stretches You Can Do at Work

    What Causes Shoulder Pain? - We tend to associate shoulder pain with sports such as tennis and baseball, or with the aftermath of moving around our living room furniture. Few would ever suspect that the cause is often something as typical and inactive as sitting at our desks. However, it turns out that staring at our computer screens for more than eight hours a day can have an enormous effect on our shoulders’ deltoid, subclavius, and trapezius muscles.

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  • Why Are My Joints So Stiff and What Can I Do?

    Why Are My Joints So Stiff and What Can I Do?

    You’re Getting Older - As you age, your cartilage -- the spongy material that protects the ends of your bones -- begins to dry out and stiffen. Your body also makes less synovial fluid, the stuff that acts like oil to keep your joints moving smoothly. The result: Your joints may not move as freely as they used to. It sounds a little crazy, but the best thing you can do is keep on trucking. Synovial fluid requires movement to keep your joints loose.

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  • Heat for Lower Back Pain Relief

    Heat for Lower Back Pain Relief

    With so many advancements in the treatment of lower back pain, heat therapy is often overlooked. But heat therapy can provide meaningful relief in a short amount of time—and best of all it is easy to do. Here is how to use heat therapy to help you find relief from your lower back pain: How Much Heat Do I Need? - Before we talk about how to apply heat therapy to your lower back, let’s quickly look at the best temperature for heat therapy. Ideally, any type of heat therapy should be at a warm temperature—as too high of a heat can burn your skin. In contrast, a warm temperature will allow the heat to penetrate down into your lower back muscles without damaging your skin.

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  • Avoid Shoulder Pain at Work

    Avoid Shoulder Pain at Work

    Your shoulder consists of several joints that connect to various tendons and muscles. The complexity of your shoulder is what enables you to do so much with your arms. It’s also the reason why many people suffer from shoulder pain and injuries. Chronic shoulder pain often stems from prolonged, repetitive, or awkward movements. This type of pain is sometimes referred to as repetitive strain injury (RSI) or cumulative trauma disorder. RSIs are frequently caused by tasks at work. Small, repetitive activities can strain the muscles and tendons of your upper body, including your shoulder.

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  • Alternative Rheumatoid Arthritis Therapies

    Alternative Rheumatoid Arthritis Therapies

    Herbs and Supplements - Are your joints sore and stiff? Some herbal remedies and supplements might help bring down swelling and ease the pain. Here are a few to ask your doctor about: Boswellia (Indian frankincense), Cat's claw, Thunder god vine, Turmeric/curcumin. Though these herbs are natural, they can cause side effects or interfere with other drugs you take. Make sure your doctor knows about all the remedies you use.

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  • Tips for Sleeping with Chronic Pain

    Tips for Sleeping with Chronic Pain

    If you’re like most people with chronic pain, you struggle with either falling asleep or staying asleep. This is no small matter, as a lack of sleep can make your chronic pain worse—which may lead to a frustrating cycle of sleeplessness and intensifying pain. Here are 5 little-known tips that may help you break this cycle:

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  • Common Spine Conditions

    Common Spine Conditions

    Your Other Core - Are you glad you can stand or sit upright? Thank your spine, a stack of little bones called vertebrae along the center of your back, from your seat to your neck. It supports your head, shoulders, and upper body. Your spine plays another key role: The vertebrae make a tunnel for your spinal cord. That's the set of nerves that connect your brain to most of your body.

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  • Bad Habits for Your Back

    Bad Habits for Your Back

    Sit Hunched - It goes against the natural alignment of your spine. Slumping forward also puts more pressure on your lower back. Gently stretch and move your head and neck up and down and to the right and left every half-hour. To ease any pain or spasm, apply an ice pack or heating pad to the area. Be sure to cover the skin with a light towel or cloth first. See your doctor if the pain won't go away.

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  • How to Keep Your Spine Healthy and Happy

    How to Keep Your Spine Healthy and Happy

    Whether it's a herniated disc, spinal stenosis, or strained muscles, it can take some time to diagnose and treat the causes of back pain. And all the while, you're trying to navigate health insurance, work and family life, and everyday stressors—all while dealing with your back pain. This blog is written to highlight a few fairly simple things you can do to help achieve some level of comfort and pain relief. Here we have some simple tips to help keep your spine as healthy as possible:...

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  • Regenerative Stem Cell Therapy (Medical Procedures)

    Regenerative Stem Cell Therapy (Medical Procedures)

    100 million adults in the United States - The majority of chronic pain in the United States is the result of a musculoskeletal injury stemming from trauma, disease, or illness. It is estimated that more than 100 million adults in the United States deal with some form of back pain throughout the year. And for many of these individuals, their back pain gradually goes from being acute to chronic.

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