Health And Wellness | Stem Cell, PRP, Acupuncture in Queens & Long Island, New York

  • Opioid Withdrawal Treatment

    Opioid Withdrawal Treatment

    Opioid withdrawal is a complex subject and can be a worrying topic. Opioid Basics - Opioid withdrawal refers to reducing your usage of opioids until you can stop taking the medication completely. You might also hear this referred to as detoxification. Before we get started with your opioid withdrawal options, we’ll cover some basic information.

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  • How To Get Started To Train Your Brain Away From Chronic Pain

    How To Get Started To Train Your Brain Away From Chronic Pain

    How To Get Started - You might be thinking that this all makes sense, but be lost as to where to get started! It can feel a bit overwhelming, but don’t worry you don’t have to do this alone. Let’s go over how you can get started on your journey. Educate yourself about pain science - You’re already getting involved in the first step! It’s important to educate yourself about the science behind pain to understand how retraining your brain works. When you first hear about the concept, it can sound a bit ‘out there’ or ‘too good to be true’, but once you understand the science, it all makes so much sense!

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  • Digital Therapeutic for Sleep Disturbance with Musculoskeletal Pain

    Digital Therapeutic for Sleep Disturbance with Musculoskeletal Pain

    Analysis of a rehabilitation study found that a remote care program to manage upper limb, neck, and back pain significantly improved pain-related sleep impairment. Individuals with musculoskeletal pain and sleep disturbance showed significant improvements on both fronts after a 12-week remote digital pain management program, according to a new study of more than 5,000 individuals.

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  • Cannabis Users May Use Less Pain Medication

    Cannabis Users May Use Less Pain Medication

    FDA is creating a regulatory pathway for safe cannabidiol products, but more research is needed considering that nearly one-third of people with chronic pain report cannabis use. It is well known that people with chronic pain often use cannabis to help relieve pain and related symptoms. However, data on the extent to which people with chronic pain have replaced medications with cannabis are limited, wrote Mark C. Bicket, MD, Ph.D., of the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, and colleagues, in a recent review.

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  • How to Sleep Well Despite Chronic Pain

    How to Sleep Well Despite Chronic Pain

    Sleep is tough for those with chronic pain. This guide takes you through how sleep affects pain, and how to sleep well despite the pain, plus at the end of this post, you can enjoy our free sleep meditations. Sleep is vital for all of us: it gives our minds the chance to process memories and information, as well as giving our bodies time to rest and recuperate. When we are deprived of sleep, it can increase our risk for a range of health issues.

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  • What To Do When Chronic Pain Becomes Unbearable?

    What To Do When Chronic Pain Becomes Unbearable?

    There are many ways to treat and self-manage your pain which can be very effective. Unfortunately, sometimes even when pain is well managed you may experience a flare in symptoms. The question is, what are you supposed to do if a flare in your symptoms becomes so bad that it’s unbearable? Let’s take a look at how you can cope with this situation.

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  • How is Psychological Trauma Linked to Chronic Pain?

    How is Psychological Trauma Linked to Chronic Pain?

    The research available indicates that while trauma may not directly cause chronic pain, it certainly makes people more vulnerable to developing chronic pain. There are many studies that link chronic pain to trauma. The Institute for Chronic Pain states that up to 90% of women with fibromyalgia and up to 60% of patients with arthritis report trauma at some stage in their lives.

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  • How Can A Healthy Diet Help You Fight Chronic Pain?

    How Can A Healthy Diet Help You Fight Chronic Pain?

    If you live with chronic pain, you will likely have had people tell you that a healthy diet can cure it. This can be frustrating and patronizing. However, the truth is, that while a healthy diet isn’t going to magically cure your pain, it can make a significant positive difference to your pain levels and improve your pain management.

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  • Hydrotherapy and Chronic Pain

    Hydrotherapy and Chronic Pain

    What Is Hydrotherapy? Hydrotherapy involves the patient being in a heated pool of water, and carrying out specific exercises. The water is usually heated between 33 and 36 degrees Celsius. This is warmer than a typical swimming pool. In some cases, the water may be cooled rather than heated, to treat specific medical conditions.

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  • What No One Told You About Cancer Pain

    What No One Told You About Cancer Pain

    Let’s begin by saying that interventional treatments can help you find relief from cancer pain. Even when opioids don’t help, or you want to reduce opioid use, our customized cancer pain management provides substantial relief. It’s important to focus on that hope for pain relief because the reality surrounding cancer pain the things you may not know — can be distressing and discouraging. But learning about cancer pain can help you (or your loved one with cancer) prepare for what’s ahead.

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