Back Pain | Stem Cell, PRP, Acupuncture in Queens & Long Island, New York

  • Pain Management Condition: Back Pain

    Pain Management Condition: Back Pain

    Pain due to arthritis, trauma, or degeneration that affects the spine and surrounding tissues - The spine is a vital structure that supports the body while providing enough flexibility for movement. The spine is divided into the neck (cervical area), middle back (thoracic area), and lower back (lumbar area). Areas that sustain a lot of twisting and bending, such as the lower back, are most likely to get injured. It is estimated that 80% of the population will have lower back pain, or lumbago, in their lifetime.

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  • How do Trigger Point Injections Work?

    How do Trigger Point Injections Work?

    The human body is amazingly complex and integrated in a way in which everything is somehow connected. And this fact can be made abundantly clear when a problem develops in one area and your nerves cause symptoms (in this case, pain) to radiate outward. When this happens, trigger point injections go straight to the source of your pain to bring you relief.

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  • Understanding Lower Back Anatomy

    Understanding Lower Back Anatomy

    Your lower back is a superb feat of engineering it’s strong, weight-bearing, and sturdy, yet highly flexible with a range of motion in all directions. Understanding the anatomy of your lower spine can help you communicate more effectively with the medical professionals who treat your lower back pain. Here is a description of useful anatomical landmarks.
    The Lordotic Curve - Your lower back (lumbar spine) is the anatomic region between your lowest rib and the upper part of the buttock.

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  • Pain Management: Annular Tears

    Pain Management: Annular Tears

    Painful Spine Problem Can Be Effectively Treated Annular tears can cause fluid to leak out of vertebral discs of the spine, irritating nearby nerves, causing significant pain, numbness, and tingling in the back, neck, or legs. Annular tears are most often the result of normal wear and tear associated with the aging process. Since the tears may not fully heal, the risk of re-injury is high.

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  • How to Have a Productive Doctor’s Visit if You Have Sciatica

    How to Have a Productive Doctor’s Visit if You Have Sciatica

    An appointment with your doctor to discuss your sciatica symptoms and treatment options can often feel like a race against time. With many consultations lasting 15 minutes or less, here are 6 insights and tips on how to make the most of your time with your doctor:
    1. Write Down Your Symptom History to Save Time During the Appointment - Your doctor is going to ask you several questions about your symptom history, so writing it down in advance will save time during your appointment and ensure you don’t leave out any important information. When you have a well-maintained pain diary, you will likely provide more precise and complete information, and avoid missing important symptoms or factors that can be crucial in your diagnosis.

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  • Can Stem Cell Therapy Prevent the Need for Back Surgery?

    Can Stem Cell Therapy Prevent the Need for Back Surgery?

    When you suffer from chronic back pain, finding a treatment that helps you get relief from your discomfort can be trying. In some cases, if conservative treatments fail to reduce your pain or help you regain some of your normal function, surgery may be recommended. But surgery isn’t always the best choice for chronic back pain, due to the long recovery period and the possibility that it may not resolve your pain; or worse, lead to other back problems.

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  • First Aid for Intense Pain from a Pulled Lower Back Muscle

    First Aid for Intense Pain from a Pulled Lower Back Muscle

    A pulled muscle in your lower back can send intense flareups of pain, spasm, and stiffness, causing many people to end up in the emergency room. When this injury happens, it’s smart to know what you can do to immediately and effectively bring down the pain to a tolerable level while also helping your body heal. As a general guideline, rest during the initial day or two after your injury, moving slowly and gently to allow your muscle tissue to recover and begin the regeneration process. You may use a back brace intermittently for additional stability.

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  • Spinal Cord Stimulators Offer Drug-Free Relief from Chronic Back Pain

    Spinal Cord Stimulators Offer Drug-Free Relief from Chronic Back Pain

    Long-term (chronic) back pain can greatly interfere with your life by making it difficult to perform even the simplest task. But successful relief from the pain is often elusive. Invasive surgery, pain medications, and other therapies can worsen the initial issue or bring on troubles of their own. Narcotic pain medications, for instance, can lead to dependence that endangers your social, emotional, and physical health.

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  • Chronic Pain: Trigger Point Injections

    Chronic Pain: Trigger Point Injections

    Treatment for Stiff, Painful Muscles - When a muscle becomes stiff, torn, or bruised, the point of origin for the injury is known as the “trigger point”. A trigger point injection contains a mixture of medications that helps the muscle relax and reduce inflammation. As the medication does its work, blood flow will improve and the body will start to heal itself. Pain from an injured muscle can cause headaches and aches in other areas of the pain such as the arms, legs, or lower back. Treating the pain at the trigger point is one of the most effective means of remedying these problems.

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  • Chronic Pain: Spinal Cord Stimulation

    Chronic Pain: Spinal Cord Stimulation

    An Innovative Alternative for Unrelieved Chronic Pain - Spinal cord stimulation (SCS) is an innovative technology that addresses some of the most difficult pain problems experienced. Identified as an effective treatment option for many chronic sufferers, SCS is most often used for neuropathic pain, including diabetic neuropathy, post-laminectomy syndrome (residual pain after back surgery), and complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS). If you suffer from chronic neuropathic pain, spinal cord stimulation (SCS) may enable you to control and relieve your pain. The board-certified pain specialists can determine if this is an option for you and help stop pain from interfering with your life.

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