Blog | Stem Cell, PRP, Acupuncture in Queens & Long Island, New York

  • Exercise for Pain Relief

    Exercise for Pain Relief

    It can feel like a Catch-22: Everyone is telling you to need to exercise, but when you’re in pain, exercising may be the last thing you feel like doing. And unfortunately, the longer you avoid doing it, the harder it can be to get started. Muscles and tendons get weak, stiff, and sore when they aren’t being used, so there can be significant aches and pains when you decide to start moving again. But finding the right exercise program can be an essential tool for pain relief.

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  • Think Twice About Back Surgery

    Think Twice About Back Surgery

    As you may have read in the news, Tiger Woods is recovering from a recent back surgery – his fourth back operation in the past few years (this one being a fusion). Once the greatest golfer in the world, Tiger had his first surgery in 2014, but since then, even after two more surgeries, he has not been able to successfully return to the pro tour. No doubt he is hoping that this recent operation will eventually get him to a place where he can compete at the highest level and without debilitating pain.

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  • 5 Things To Know About Chronic Pain

    5 Things To Know About Chronic Pain

    If you suffer from chronic pain, it's important that your friends and family know what you're going through. With this in mind, here are 5 things to know about the chronic pain that you can share with your loved ones:

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  • Acupuncture For Long-Term Pain Relief For Migraine Sufferers

    Acupuncture For Long-Term Pain Relief For Migraine Sufferers

    A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) shows long-term pain relief for migraine sufferers. This study had 249 participants who regularly suffered migraines without aura. They were divided into 3 groups: *true acupuncture *sham acupuncture and *a control group.

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  • Acupuncture Can Relieve Both Chronic and Acute Headaches

    Acupuncture Can Relieve Both Chronic and Acute Headaches

    Several million people suffer from severe headaches/migraines and it is an increasingly popular reason to seek acupuncture treatment – with good reason. Acupuncture is effective in treating all types of headaches, both acute and chronic. This includes tension headaches, sinus headaches, hormonal headaches, and migraines.

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  • Footballers Looking at Stem Cells and PRP

    Footballers Looking at Stem Cells and PRP

    When making a decision to move forward with stem cell injection therapy for problems of osteoarthritis and painful soft tissue injury, many patients rely on research to help them make an informed decision. Then they rely on the experience of the doctor helping them. The same can be said for professional athletes. These athletes are approaching stem cells because the treatment regrows cartilage and stops damaging chronic inflammation.

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  • Stem Cells Are Poised to Change Health and Medicine Forever

    Stem Cells Are Poised to Change Health and Medicine Forever

    Over the last decade, the number of publications per year on stem cell-related research has increased 40x. The stem cell market is expected to reach $170 billion by 2020. Rising R&D initiatives to develop therapeutic options for chronic diseases and growing demand for a regenerative treatment option are the most significant drivers of this budding industry.

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  • Stem Cells Saved the Soccer Ref’s Game

    Stem Cells Saved the Soccer Ref’s Game

    They’re the guys that are sometimes invisible and sometimes the point of sporting ire. The referee is a critical part of sports and arguably some of the most athletic have to be soccer refs, as they can run miles in each game chasing the ball and plays around the field. This morning I’d like to highlight an elite ref from Florida for whom having a knee replacement meant giving it all up. In fact, that’s the common thread through many of our success stories. People who love their active life not wanting to yield to the big surgeries and eventual decline into the couch.

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  • You May Have a Stiff Back

    You May Have a Stiff Back

    A stiff back can make it difficult to complete even the simplest tasks. So, of course, you want to figure out what is causing it, as this can help you find the right course of treatment.

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  • Why Staying Active Benefits the Neck

    Why Staying Active Benefits the Neck

    Unless a doctor has advised you to rest or limit neck movements, the neck performs best when you stay active every day. Here are 3 reasons why: 1. Keep Neck Muscles Conditioned, 2. Boost Blood Circulation and 3. Maintain Better Postures.

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A Trusted Name for Pain Management Treatment Using Today’s Most Advanced Medical Treatments Including No Medication and No Surgery.