Blog | Stem Cell, PRP, Acupuncture in Queens & Long Island, New York

  • How To Relieve Your Back Pain

    How To Relieve Your Back Pain

    Sleep Better for Back Pain Relief: When you have back pain, sleeping can be hard. It can be a vicious cycle because when you don't get enough sleep, your back pain may feel worse. A poor sleep position can also aggravate back pain. Try lying on your side. Place a pillow between your knees to keep your spine in a neutral position and relieve strain on your back. If you need to sleep on your back, slide a pillow under your knees. Be sure to sleep on a comfortable firm mattress.

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  • Acupuncture And Its Benefits

    Acupuncture And Its Benefits

    What Is Acupuncture? Acupuncture is an age-old healing practice of traditional Chinese medicine in which thin needles are placed at specific points in the body. It's primarily used to relieve pain but also has been used to treat other conditions. More than 3 million Americans use acupuncture, but it is even more popular in other countries. In France, for example, one in five people have tried acupuncture.

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  • Chronic Pain Causes and Solutions

    Chronic Pain Causes and Solutions

    What Is Chronic Pain? What condition do more than 100 million Americans share -- maybe including you? Whether it's caused by arthritis, migraines, fibromyalgia, or bad backs, chronic pain -- the kind that hangs on for weeks, months, or years -- can change your life. Never ignore pain. Whatever the intensity -- mild, moderate or severe -- treatment usually can help.

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  • Is Virtual Reality the Future of Pain Management?

    Is Virtual Reality the Future of Pain Management?

    As scientists and physicians race to explore new and more effective strategies to treat pain, many are investigating how technology might play a role. One of the most exciting, and promising, developments in this area is the use of virtual reality.

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  • Cycling Overuse Injuries and How Acupuncture Can Help

    Cycling Overuse Injuries and How Acupuncture Can Help

    Every cycling enthusiast knows that the repetitive motion of cycling and sitting in the same position for a long time can take its toll on one’s neck, shoulders, back, tailbone, knees, wrists, and forearms. Especially if you are biking long distances or you are a “mature” rider. To be as comfortable as possible, it’s essential to maintain good hydration to keep tissue flexible, make stretching a daily routine (even if you are only riding on the weekends), and to stretch before and after every ride.

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  • Can Stem Cells be a Solution for Cartilage Regeneration?

    Can Stem Cells be a Solution for Cartilage Regeneration?

    It is accepted that the cartilage in our joints does not have the ability to heal itself due to lack of blood supply. Currently, there are not many effective treatments for cartilage regeneration. Stem cells may be an answer. A recent Phase III clinical trial at the Medical Center for Translational Research (MTR) of Osaka University looks into the effectiveness of stem cells in regenerating cartilage tissues.

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  • 7 Acupuncture Tips for a Healthy Fall

    7 Acupuncture Tips for a Healthy Fall

    New seasons are an opportunity to assess our states of health and realign with our natural rhythms. From an acupuncture perspective, fall is about refinement. It’s time to pare down, to let go of the excesses we allowed ourselves in summer and focus on what’s necessary for winter. In acupuncture theory, humans are viewed as microcosms of the natural world that surrounds them. Weather and climate, particularly during the transition from one season to another, factor significantly into acupuncture diagnoses and treatment plans.

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  • Pain Management - Nerve Pain

    Pain Management - Nerve Pain

    1. How Nerve Pain Feels: People with nerve pain feel it in different ways. For some, it's a stabbing pain in the middle of the night. For others, symptoms can include a chronic prickling, tingling, or burning they feel all day. Uncontrolled nerve pain can be hard to bear. But with treatment, it can often be adequately controlled.

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  • How Stem Cell Injections Heal Damaged Knees

    How Stem Cell Injections Heal Damaged Knees

    Over the years, regenerative stem cell therapy has proven to be the most effective alternative to surgery, cortisone steroid injections or simple physical therapy. There has been a lot of clinical research that confirms the effectiveness of this treatment. The most significant feature of this form of treatment is that it offers patients relief from chronic pain and difficulty to heal injuries. The healing is carried out without the use of any medications or risky reconstructive surgeries. These days, researchers are also discovering ways to use this form of treatment for common chronic conditions such as heart disease, neurodegenerative disease, and diabetes.

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  • 5 Benefits of Stem Cell Therapy

    5 Benefits of Stem Cell Therapy

    Stem cell therapy uses a patient’s own stem cells to help repair damaged tissues and repair injuries. This therapy is a part of the regenerative medicine field that is rapidly growing. A few of the many things stem cell therapy is used for include reducing joint pain, increasing motion and flexibility, and treating tendon and ligament tears.

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A Trusted Name for Pain Management Treatment Using Today’s Most Advanced Medical Treatments Including No Medication and No Surgery.