Blog | Stem Cell, PRP, Acupuncture in Queens & Long Island, New York

  • 5 Ways Motion Causes Low Back Pain

    5 Ways Motion Causes Low Back Pain

    Our spines are remarkable they're made up of incredibly intricate systems of bones, ligaments, tendons, and muscles that work together to enable movement in all directions. While all of this movement is great, the potential downside is that it can contribute to injuries and wear-and-tear damage over time that may lead to back pain and stiffness. Understanding how movement impacts your spine can help you better communicate with your physician and hopefully get an accurate diagnosis for faster treatment and pain relief.

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  • Everything You Need to Know About the Flu

    Everything You Need to Know About the Flu

    In a typical year, flu season occurs from fall to early spring — and with it comes sniffling, sneezing, coughing, fatigue, and all the familiar trappings of the flu. The severity of the illness varies by person, but the COVID-19 pandemic lends a new urgency to protecting ourselves while both of these viruses surge in the coming months. Flu shots are always important, but they’re even more important this year to protect the population, and especially vulnerable groups, from getting flu while COVID-19 is still a threat.

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  • Why You Can't 'Fix' Your Pain?

    Why You Can't 'Fix' Your Pain?

    There are times when an overly optimistic attitude or misguided belief about what’s possible can actually get in the way of healing. One example of this is the notion that there is a cure or fix for everything that hurts. Quite understandably, many patients go to their doctors with the goal of getting fixed. They want to find out what the problem is, get it fixed, make the pain go away, and then move on with their lives.

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  • Can Neck Pain Cause Dizziness?

    Can Neck Pain Cause Dizziness?

    Many people experience neck pain and dizziness at the same time. Sometimes this is referred to as cervical vertigo or cervicogenic dizziness. This dizziness may come and go or occur with a motion of the cervical spine (neck), and it can involve unsteadiness, light-headedness, blurry vision, ringing in ears, nausea, headaches, and/or other troubling symptoms. Here are a few possible ways that a neck problem may contribute to dizziness.

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  • Surprising Marijuana-Based Items for Chronic Pain

    Surprising Marijuana-Based Items for Chronic Pain

    Not too long ago, I decided that I wanted to give some medicinal marijuana products a try. I have stage IV endometriosis. This can contribute to chronic pain throughout the month, especially when I’m on my period. But I hate taking the narcotics my doctors prescribed me. I want to believe there’s a better way. So, I’ve been looking into it. Of course, one of the top hits is marijuana for chronic pain. Though there isn’t any research yet that conclusively proves marijuana is an effective medication, there are some findings that suggest it has positive results for chronic pain.

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  • How Your Pain Can Spread

    How Your Pain Can Spread

    Pain that starts in one place doesn’t necessarily stay there. Over time, pain can spread, shift, expand, or radiate, from one part of the body to another, making treatment even more challenging. One common way that pain spreads to other parts of the body is through over-compensation, where we start to change our movement patterns to compensate for a part of the body that is injured or hurting. One typical example is a backache caused by chronic pain in a knee or foot.

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  • Why Walking Is Good for Your Lower Back

    Why Walking Is Good for Your Lower Back

    Walking is relatively easy to do and one of the most overlooked ways that you can help relieve and prevent future flareups of lower back pain. Two specific and direct benefits of adding a regular walking routine to your lower back treatment program are highlighted below.
    Walking Strengthens the Muscles That Support Your Spine - Your trunk, core, and lumbar (lower back) muscles play a vital role in maintaining the stability and movement of your lower back.

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  • Hand Exercises to Ease Arthritis Pain

    Hand Exercises to Ease Arthritis Pain

    Painful Hands - Arthritis wears away at the cartilage of a joint, which is the cushioning material between bones. This can cause inflammation and irritation of the synovial lining, which produces the synovial fluid that helps protect and lubricate the joint. When arthritis affects the joints of the hands, it can cause pain and stiffness. That pain can get worse whenever you use your hand a lot for repetitive tasks. For example, typing on a computer keyboard or gripping utensils in the kitchen can cause discomfort. You may also lose strength in your hands. Weakness in your hands can make it hard to do even the simplest everyday tasks, such as opening jars.

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  • How Weight Loss Can Help with Pain Management

    How Weight Loss Can Help with Pain Management

    When patients and their doctors talk about pain relief strategies, one area often gets overlooked: weight management. While working on a weight management plan likely won’t offer instant relief, research seems to indicate there is a strong connection between carrying extra pounds and how much we hurt and even modest weight loss can help turn things around.

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  • How to Treat Lower Right Back Muscle Strain

    How to Treat Lower Right Back Muscle Strain

    A muscle strain is a common cause of lower back pain and maybe localized to the right side of your lower back. Muscle strains occur when a muscle is pulled beyond its normal limit, causing the muscle fibers to overstretch or have small, microscopic tears. While this type of injury is typically minor and heals without complications1, the pain may be severe and your back may be markedly stiff.

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