Blog | Stem Cell, PRP, Acupuncture in Queens & Long Island, New York

  • 'Do I Still Need to Wear a Mask if I've Already Had COVID-19?'

    'Do I Still Need to Wear a Mask if I've Already Had COVID-19?'

    Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus. Most people infected with the COVID-19 virus will experience mild to moderate respiratory illness and recover without requiring special treatment. Older people and those with underlying medical problems like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease, and cancer are more likely to develop serious illnesses.

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  • Lesser-Known Tips for Easing Neck Pain

    Lesser-Known Tips for Easing Neck Pain

    For many people living with chronic neck pain, common treatments such as medications, ice, or heating pads do not always provide enough relief. Finding the best combination of treatments for your neck pain may take some trial and error. Here are some lesser-known tips for managing neck pain that you might want to consider.

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  • Everything You Need to Know About Flu

    Everything You Need to Know About Flu

    What Causes the Flu? The flu is a virus that’s spread in several ways. First, you can contract the virus from a person near you who has the flu and sneezes, coughs, or talks. The virus can also live on inanimate objects for 2 to 8 hours. If someone with the virus touched a common surface, like a door handle or a keyboard, and you touch the same surface, you could get the virus. Once you have the virus on your hand, it can enter your body if you touch your mouth, eyes, or nose.

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  • How Does Double Layer of Protection Works During Covid-19 Pandemic?

    How Does Double Layer of Protection Works During Covid-19 Pandemic?

    Is Wearing Two Masks Better Than One? As more and more people have adopted mask-wearing to reduce the spread of coronavirus, you may have noticed some people doubling up on masks. Is wearing two masks better than one? IT DEPENDS. If you’ve managed to obtain an N95 or an actual surgical mask (not the “medical looking” masks you can buy at the store), then putting another layer over the top probably doesn’t do much good. These health care masks are made of tightly woven materials specifically designed to prevent viral particles from penetrating, so they probably don’t need any extra help.

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  • How to Recognize and Manage Neuropathic Pain

    How to Recognize and Manage Neuropathic Pain

    When you feel pain, it is due to certain chemical and electric signals that are exchanged between the site of injury and the brain. These signals are carried through your nerves. Neuropathic pain occurs when there is an injury or damage to a single nerve or group of nerves. Neuropathic pain differs from the more commonly understood nociceptive pain. Neuropathic pain occurs due to inflammation, irritation, or compression of the neural tissue. Nociceptive pain is the body’s response to painful stimuli, such as a pulled back muscle or broken bone, and does not relate to an injury of the nerve itself.

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  • Treatment Options for The Flu

    Treatment Options for The Flu

    Most cases of the flu are mild enough that you can treat yourself at home without prescription medications. It’s important you stay home and avoid contact with other people when you first notice flu symptoms. You should also: Drink plenty of fluids. This includes water, soup, and low-sugar flavored drinks. Treat symptoms such as headache and fever with OTC medications. Wash your hands to prevent spreading the virus to other surfaces or to other people in your house. Cover your coughs and sneezes with tissues. Immediately dispose of those tissues. Wear a face covering when in public.

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  • Is It Important to Cover Your Nose with a Mask?

    Is It Important to Cover Your Nose with a Mask?

    We’ve all seen them: The people who wear a mask over their mouth only, leaving their nose uncovered. And maybe you wondered if that was OK - No, it’s not. Here’s why it’s important to cover your nose with a mask, as well as your mouth. The SARS-CoV-2 virus lives in people’s nasal passages. When an infected person exhales, they release viral particles from their nose into the air. (And notice we’re talking about a basic exhale, not a cough or sneeze. Even the simple act of breathing releases particles.) A mask -- worn over the mouth and nose helps to keep these infectious particles from becoming airborne and reaching others.

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  • Hamstring Stretches to Relieve Lumbar Herniated Disc Pain

    Hamstring Stretches to Relieve Lumbar Herniated Disc Pain

    Daily stretching can be one of the best ways to alleviate radiating leg pain from a lumbar herniated disc. The following 3 stretches can help loosen your tight hamstring muscles for better lumbar spine support and reduce pressure on the sciatic nerve going down your leg. Just remember to stop if any exercise causes pain to worsen.

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  • Symptoms of the flu and importance of flu shot

    Symptoms of the flu and importance of flu shot

    Here are some of the common symptoms of the flu: Fever, Cough, Muscle aches, Headache, Fatigue.
    The flu almost always causes an increase in your body temperature. This is also known as a fever. Most flu-related fevers range from a low-grade fever around 100°F (37.8°C) to as high as 104°F (40°C). Although alarming, it’s not uncommon for young children to have higher fevers than adults. If you suspect your child has the flu, see their doctor.

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  • Work from Home with Less Pain

    Work from Home with Less Pain

    For the last several months, the home has become a place where many of us work and interact with the world. The use of live video chatting technologies to meet with co-workers or connect with friends and family has become part of the new normal for millions. But the use of all this technology at home can lead to unwanted pain problems or exacerbate existing issues. The human frame was meant to move freely, not looking down and keyboarding while slouching all day long. A number of my patients who have been forced to work remotely have found it challenging to create a comfortable (ergonomic) “workstation” at home and this has led to a whole host of pain problems, including carpal tunnel syndrome, elbow and shoulder pain, headaches, neck stiffness, and back pain.

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