Blog | Stem Cell, PRP, Acupuncture in Queens & Long Island, New York

  • Acupuncture - Alternative Treatment for Pain Relief

    Acupuncture - Alternative Treatment for Pain Relief

    Acupuncture is a complementary medical technique that has proven to be effective for chronic back, neck, shoulder, and joint pain, as well as osteoarthritis and headaches/migraines. As one of the oldest healing practices in the world, acupuncture dates back thousands of years as a form of traditional Chinese medicine. Practitioners stimulate specific points on the body—most often by inserting hair-thin needles into the skin. We combine modern technology of the West with the ancient wisdom of the East to provide you with acupuncture treatments as a natural way to relieve pain and improve your health.

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  • What Causes Chronic Pain?

    What Causes Chronic Pain?

    Chronic pain can be caused by many different factors. Often conditions that accompany normal aging may affect bones and joints in ways that cause chronic pain. Other common causes are nerve damage and injuries that fail to heal properly. Some kinds of chronic pain have numerous causes. Back pain, for example, may be caused by a single factor or any combination of these factors: Years of poor posture, Improper lifting and carrying of heavy objects, Being overweight, which puts excess strain on the back and knees, A congenital condition such as curvature of the spine, Traumatic injury, Wearing high heels, Sleeping on a poor mattress, No obvious physical cause, Ordinary aging of the spine (degenerative changes)

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  • Activities to Avoid with Herniated Disc

    Activities to Avoid with Herniated Disc

    Herniated disc pain in your lower back can range from a mild ache to a shock-like pain that radiates into your leg. While most herniated discs gradually start to feel better within a few weeks, many common activities may inflame and worsen the pain. Here are a few activities to avoid. Sitting Too Much - Sitting puts more stress on your spinal discs, especially when slouching forward in a seat. To minimize pain from a herniated disc in the lumbar spine (lower back), try to stand up, move around, or lie down when possible.

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  • Non-Surgical Treatment to Heal Your Joints STEM CELL THERAPY

    Non-Surgical Treatment to Heal Your Joints STEM CELL THERAPY

    Stem cell therapy is an innovative treatment for joint pain offered at Precision Pain Care and Rehabilitation.  For many patients, stem cell therapy is a viable alternative to invasive surgery for pain relief. There is a lot of misleading information in the public sphere about what exactly stem cell therapy is, so make sure you get the facts before you decide whether or not this treatment is for you.

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  • Can Chronic Pain Be Prevented?

    Can Chronic Pain Be Prevented?

    Our approach to pain management largely depends on what’s causing the pain. When it’s a byproduct of an ongoing health condition, our focus is finding a good pain management strategy to keep discomfort at a minimum. But when it’s rooted in an isolated event or injury, we can focus not only on treatment but also the prevention of chronic pain. In situations like this, it’s worth asking – can we keep acute pain from becoming chronic?

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  • How to Relieve a Neck Muscle Spasm

    How to Relieve a Neck Muscle Spasm

    A neck spasm occurs when your neck muscles suddenly, involuntarily tighten. Your neck becomes painful and stiff, likely affecting the ability to turn your head. An awkward neck movement or stress-related muscle tension is often what triggers a neck spasm. Here’s a quick guide to relieving the pain. Stretch - Try to relax your spasming neck muscles. Stretching may be an effective method to loosen and soften your muscles, which tighten and seize up during a spasm.

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  • Want to Be More Flexible? Here’s How to Get Started

    Want to Be More Flexible? Here’s How to Get Started

    If bending over to touch your toes seems like an impossible task, it may be time to start thinking about increasing your flexibility. From breathwork to stretching to strengthening, focused effort just a few times a week can make a significant difference in how flexible you feel. Read on for our beginner’s guide to becoming more flexible, one stretch at a time.

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  • 'When Are You Most Contagious with the Flu?'

    'When Are You Most Contagious with the Flu?'

    We know that a person can spread COVID-19 to other people even before symptoms develop, but what about the flu? When is the flu most contagious? Like COVID, you can spread the flu to other people before symptoms appear. Most people begin to be contagious 1 day before they start feeling sick, and continue to be for 5 to 7 more days (young children and those with weakened immune symptoms may be contagious for even longer). You may be most contagious during the first 3-4 days of illness because that’s when you’re coughing and sneezing the most

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  • How Soft Tissue Injuries Cause Neck Strain

    How Soft Tissue Injuries Cause Neck Strain

    Neck strains and sprains can range from mild discomfort to severe neck pain that hinders routine activities, like driving or getting dressed. Here’s how these soft tissue injuries can happen, and how to get relief. Soft Tissue Injuries in The Neck - There are numerous soft tissues that attach to the neck, including muscles, tendons, and ligaments. These soft tissues all work in tandem to support your neck and head. At the same time, they also enable movement in your neck. A neck strain or sprain occurs when one or more of these soft tissues is stretched beyond its normal range (or is injured in another way).

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  • Understanding Neck Spasms: How to Find Relief

    Understanding Neck Spasms: How to Find Relief

    What Are Neck Spasms? A spasm is an involuntary tightening of muscle in your body. It often causes intense pain. This pain can last for minutes, hours, or days after the muscle relaxes and the spasm subsides. Spasms can happen in any part of your body where there’s a muscle, including your neck.

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A Trusted Name for Pain Management Treatment Using Today’s Most Advanced Medical Treatments Including No Medication and No Surgery.