Blog | Stem Cell, PRP, Acupuncture in Queens & Long Island, New York

  • Pain Management: Acute Pain

    Pain Management: Acute Pain

    New-Onset Pain Due to An Injury or Illness - Improves Within One to Three Months. Acute pain is the type of pain that starts suddenly after an injury or with the onset of an illness. It is caused by a specific situation like an accident, injury, illness, or a normal life event such as giving birth. Acute pain is a normal part of life that nearly everyone experiences. It is the body’s internal alarm that signals when something is wrong and you need to take action.

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  • How to Have a Productive Doctor’s Visit if You Have Sciatica

    How to Have a Productive Doctor’s Visit if You Have Sciatica

    An appointment with your doctor to discuss your sciatica symptoms and treatment options can often feel like a race against time. With many consultations lasting 15 minutes or less, here are 6 insights and tips on how to make the most of your time with your doctor:
    1. Write Down Your Symptom History to Save Time During the Appointment - Your doctor is going to ask you several questions about your symptom history, so writing it down in advance will save time during your appointment and ensure you don’t leave out any important information. When you have a well-maintained pain diary, you will likely provide more precise and complete information, and avoid missing important symptoms or factors that can be crucial in your diagnosis.

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  • Can Stem Cell Therapy Prevent the Need for Back Surgery?

    Can Stem Cell Therapy Prevent the Need for Back Surgery?

    When you suffer from chronic back pain, finding a treatment that helps you get relief from your discomfort can be trying. In some cases, if conservative treatments fail to reduce your pain or help you regain some of your normal function, surgery may be recommended. But surgery isn’t always the best choice for chronic back pain, due to the long recovery period and the possibility that it may not resolve your pain; or worse, lead to other back problems.

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  • First Aid for Intense Pain from a Pulled Lower Back Muscle

    First Aid for Intense Pain from a Pulled Lower Back Muscle

    A pulled muscle in your lower back can send intense flareups of pain, spasm, and stiffness, causing many people to end up in the emergency room. When this injury happens, it’s smart to know what you can do to immediately and effectively bring down the pain to a tolerable level while also helping your body heal. As a general guideline, rest during the initial day or two after your injury, moving slowly and gently to allow your muscle tissue to recover and begin the regeneration process. You may use a back brace intermittently for additional stability.

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  • Viscosupplementation Treatment for Knee Arthritis

    Viscosupplementation Treatment for Knee Arthritis

    Viscosupplementation Treatment for Knee Arthritis - Over time, whether due to age or repetitive impact from daily activities, the cartilage and natural lubricants in the knees decrease significantly. This impacts the knees’ ability to serve as natural “shock absorbers” and results in painful arthritis. In severe cases, there may be bone-on-bone contact, but even in the early stages of deterioration, the loss of the joint fluid can cause significant pain and swelling.

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  • Spinal Cord Stimulators Offer Drug-Free Relief from Chronic Back Pain

    Spinal Cord Stimulators Offer Drug-Free Relief from Chronic Back Pain

    Long-term (chronic) back pain can greatly interfere with your life by making it difficult to perform even the simplest task. But successful relief from the pain is often elusive. Invasive surgery, pain medications, and other therapies can worsen the initial issue or bring on troubles of their own. Narcotic pain medications, for instance, can lead to dependence that endangers your social, emotional, and physical health.

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  • Is My Neck Pain Caused by a Simple Strain or Something Else?

    Is My Neck Pain Caused by a Simple Strain or Something Else?

    We’ve all experienced a neck strain when muscles become overstretched and painful, such as from overuse, sitting with poor posture, or sleeping with your neck in an awkward position. While a simple strain can cause sharp pain and a stiff neck that limits activities, it usually feels better within a few days. But what if neck pain is the result of a more serious underlying condition that doesn’t heal on its own? Here are a few ways to tell the difference.

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  • Chronic Pain: Trigger Point Injections

    Chronic Pain: Trigger Point Injections

    Treatment for Stiff, Painful Muscles - When a muscle becomes stiff, torn, or bruised, the point of origin for the injury is known as the “trigger point”. A trigger point injection contains a mixture of medications that helps the muscle relax and reduce inflammation. As the medication does its work, blood flow will improve and the body will start to heal itself. Pain from an injured muscle can cause headaches and aches in other areas of the pain such as the arms, legs, or lower back. Treating the pain at the trigger point is one of the most effective means of remedying these problems.

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  • What Stem Cell Therapy Can Do for Chronic Pain

    What Stem Cell Therapy Can Do for Chronic Pain

    Dealing with chronic pain can be frustrating as treatment after treatment offers temporary relief, but eventually, the debilitating pain creeps back in. As medical researchers cast about for longer-lasting solutions for chronic pain, many are focusing on stem cell therapy as a viable and sustainable solution that heals from within by tackling the source of your pain and addressing the problem through cell regeneration. Chronic pain may have met its match with stem cells.

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  • Little-Known Tips for Lumbar Herniated Disc Pain Relief

    Little-Known Tips for Lumbar Herniated Disc Pain Relief

    A lumbar herniated disc may cause pain that is described as sharp, burning, or radiating from the lower back, through the buttock, and down the leg (sciatica). Pain relief will look different for everyone and may take trial and error to see a benefit. Here are 5 little-known tips to help relieve pain and get you on your way to feeling better: 1-Heat and Cold Therapy Can Help Relieve Muscle Tension and Pain - Applying heat and/or cold therapy to the lower back can alleviate muscle tension that is commonly present with a lumbar herniated disc. The heat helps loosen the muscle tightness that causes spasms, increases blood flow, and improves the elasticity of connective tissue. Cold decreases the local tissue temperature which produces an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, thus reducing pain.

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