Blog | Stem Cell, PRP, Acupuncture in Queens & Long Island, New York

  • Why Surgery for Sciatica Does Not Fit For All

    Why Surgery for Sciatica Does Not Fit For All

    Many people find that surgery provides effective relief from their painful sciatica symptoms. The type of surgery that is recommended can vary considerably and will depend on the underlying cause of sciatica. Having surgery for sciatica is typically elective, which means it is the patient's decision whether or not to have surgery.

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  • Exercises To Reduce Chronic Pain Symptoms

    Exercises To Reduce Chronic Pain Symptoms

    Our Favorite Activities for Less Pain and Increased Wellness. If you're one of the millions of people who suffer from chronic pain, you know how debilitating it can be. Everyday activities that most people take for granted can be challenging when your body hurts. But there is good news: exercises to reduce chronic pain symptoms exist. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the best to try out.

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  • Overcoming Fear of Chronic Pain

    Overcoming Fear of Chronic Pain

    Fear of chronic pain is a natural reaction, but this emotion actually contributes to the pain cycle! Let’s figure out how to break the pain-fear cycle! Acute pain is a warning system for your body and mind, letting you know something is wrong. So, when you experience pain it’s natural to worry about it and protect the area that hurts. During acute pain when your body is injured, pain serves its protective purpose, helping the body to heal.

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  • Figuring Out the Right Treatment for Your Sciatica Symptoms

    Figuring Out the Right Treatment for Your Sciatica Symptoms

    Sciatica is often treated with self-care techniques, such as over-the-counter medication, heat and ice therapy, and/or at-home stretches and exercises. While these treatments may help relieve your sciatica pain, sometimes the pain may recur or even progress over time. Read on to learn about the common factors that can affect your sciatica treatment plan and the importance of getting an accurate diagnosis for the cause of your sciatica.

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  • What Are Trigger Points and Why Do They Matter?

    What Are Trigger Points and Why Do They Matter?

    It’s been long known among the medical community that among the most common causes of pain are trigger points, also known as myofascitis or myofascial pain syndrome. Unfortunately, it’s also the most ignored health issue that doesn’t get much attention. Even though physicians and expert chiropractors are aware of trigger points, in theory, very few of them know how to identify, locate, and treat them.

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  • A Historical Perspective of Pain Theories

    A Historical Perspective of Pain Theories

    A look back through time to see the evolution of our understanding of pain. To understand current pain theories and perspectives, let’s take a look at where it all began. As with so many things in life, you can’t really understand where you are unless you know where you’ve been.

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  • What You Need To Know About Slipped Disc

    What You Need To Know About Slipped Disc

    A slipped disc refers to an intervertebral disc of the spine that has lost its normal shape and/or consistency. The altered shape occurs when the disc’s soft inner material (nucleus pulposus) bulges or leaks out of its external fibrous covering (annulus fibrosus). Several medical terms, such as herniated, ruptured, torn, bulged, or protruding disc may be used interchangeably with a slipped disc.

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  • Why PRP Therapy Is Used In Medicine Today?

    Why PRP Therapy Is Used In Medicine Today?

    The underlying theory behind PRP or platelet-rich plasma therapy treatments is derived from the body naturally healing itself. The body’s first line of defense when injured is to send platelets to the tissue or target area. Platelets promote healing which is exactly what PRP therapy injections can do.

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  • Diagnosing, Living With and Beyond Fibromyalgia

    Diagnosing, Living With and Beyond Fibromyalgia

    How Is It Diagnosed? A fibromyalgia diagnosis is a journey; it takes time and medical professionals will go through a process of tests, eliminating other causes for the pain, and monitoring symptoms. Fibromyalgia symptoms often mirror that of other disorders, so it takes time to rule out alternative causes. Often a doctor will refer patients to a specialist who will ensure that the right diagnosis is given.

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  • Best Yoga Poses for Sciatica Relief

    Best Yoga Poses for Sciatica Relief

    Yoga can help strengthen and stabilize your core muscles, increase flexibility in your hip and spine, and reduce lower back pain and sciatica. While yoga can be complex and difficult to perform, here are 4 easy and effective yoga stretches that you can do at home using a yoga mat or a thick towel: 1. Knees-To-Chest Pose - The knees-to-chest pose4 helps stretch out the muscles in your lower back and your piriformis, a pear-shaped muscle located deep in the buttock.

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