Blog | Stem Cell, PRP, Acupuncture in Queens & Long Island, New York

  • 3 Common Causes of Neck Pain

    3 Common Causes of Neck Pain

    It's alarming but true that some common, everyday actions can be bad for your neck especially if they're done frequently. Working to break these common habits can do a world of good for your neck health, preventing pain and stiffness.

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  • Pain Trigger: Going Hungry

    Pain Trigger: Going Hungry

    Been awhile since you last ate? Feeling a little nauseous, with a thumping headache? That’s common. When you skip a meal, diet too rigorously, or fast, your body’s glucose level drops. Glucose is the sugar that keeps your body functioning, and when your blood-sugar level drops, you tend to feel fatigued, weak, shaky, and sometimes headachy.

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  • PRP – Platelet Rich Plasma treatments in Long Island & Queens, New York

    PRP – Platelet Rich Plasma treatments in Long Island & Queens, New York

    Platelet Rich Plasma therapy (PRP) is a groundbreaking non-operative treatment option that relieves pain by naturally promoting long-lasting healing of musculoskeletal conditions. The acronym PRP has most recently been featured in the news with the rising popularity of the treatment among professional athletes, recreational athletes, and highly functional individuals.

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  • Stem Cell & PRP Procedures for Foot & Ankle conditions

    Stem Cell & PRP Procedures for Foot & Ankle conditions

    Stem Cell & Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Procedures are the world’s most advanced regenerative injection treatments for treating foot and ankle conditions. Before you consider ankle surgery, fusion or replacement, consider the world’s leading stem cell and PRP injection treatments.

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  • Stem Cells for the Treatment of Back Pain

    Stem Cells for the Treatment of Back Pain

    The idea of utilizing stem cells to repair and restore the human body has been a subject of public attention since the early 1990s. However, most of this attention has been focused on diseases like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and heart disease – not on the far more common condition of chronic pain. But that’s beginning to change, and researchers are discovering the exciting possibilities that stem cells could offer for the treatment of various pain conditions – especially back pain.

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  • Why Does Acupuncture Work?

    Why Does Acupuncture Work?

    For millions of people who live with pain, acupuncture is no longer an exotic curiosity. It's now widely accepted among the medical community. And it's pretty popular with patients as well. A recent survey found almost 3.5 million Americans said they'd had acupuncture in the previous year.

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  • Useful Tips to Prevent Neck Pain

    Useful Tips to Prevent Neck Pain

    As with so many things, when it comes to neck pain, an ounce of prevention may be worth a pound of cure. It's true that some causes of neck pain, such as age-related wear and tear, are not under your control. On the other hand, there are many things you can do to minimize your risk. One place to start is to look at how you sleep and what effect this may have on neck pain.

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  • How Soft Tissue Injuries Cause Neck Strain

    How Soft Tissue Injuries Cause Neck Strain

    There are numerous soft tissues (including muscles, tendons, and ligaments) that attach in and around your cervical spine (neck). These muscles, tendons, and ligaments all work in tandem to support your neck and head. At the same time, they also enable movement in your neck. A neck strain or sprain occurs when one or more of these soft tissues is stretched beyond its normal range (or is injured in another way).

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  • Stem Cell & PRP Procedures for Hand & Basal Joint

    Stem Cell & PRP Procedures for Hand & Basal Joint

    The regenerative treatments for CMC Arthritis and other injuries and conditions in the hand joints and wrist utilizes your own stem cells, blood platelets and/or growth factors to help repair damaged areas that are causing pain.

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  • Stem Cell & PRP Procedures for Elbow Injuries, Overuse Conditions and Arthritis

    Stem Cell & PRP Procedures for Elbow Injuries, Overuse Conditions and Arthritis

    If you are experiencing elbow pain, Stem Cell & Platelet Rich Plasma procedures are likely an excellent treatment option. In recent years, several studies have shown the effectiveness of Platelet Rich Plasma in treating elbow tendon and ligament issues. In fact, these studies are so decisive that at this point in time, there are very few cases where surgery would be recommended for anything but the most severe elbow injuries.

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A Trusted Name for Pain Management Treatment Using Today’s Most Advanced Medical Treatments Including No Medication and No Surgery.