Sports Medicine | Stem Cell, PRP, Acupuncture in Queens & Long Island, New York

  • Sports Medicine: Bicycling With Back Pain

    Sports Medicine: Bicycling With Back Pain

    Biking is a popular form of aerobic exercise and is often a favored form of exercise by people with low back pain conditions. Biking may be a good exercise option for many reasons: Biking is less jarring to the spine than many other forms of aerobic exercise, such as jogging or aerobics class. Stationary bicycling is particularly gentle on the spine, and the variety of spinning classes now available can provide a vigorous aerobic workout with minimal stress to the lower back.

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  • Sport Injuries, Back Injuries, and Back Pain

    Sport Injuries, Back Injuries, and Back Pain

    Exercise is an important part of a healthy lifestyle, and sports are one approach many people choose to use to get their exercise. For people with back pain, sports can still be a viable option if they pay attention to their back. Knowing the type of strain various sports place on the back may help prevent a back injury for others who participate in sports.

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  • Sports Medicine: Playing Golf with Low Back Pain

    Sports Medicine: Playing Golf with Low Back Pain

    For the millions of people who have long-standing low back pain, golf can still be an enjoyable sport. Using the right equipment, alongside a routine of stretching and low-impact exercise, will go a long way in helping maintain one’s ability to play golf.

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  • Treating Low Back Pain and Back Injury from Golf

    Treating Low Back Pain and Back Injury from Golf

    Treatment options are mainly guided by the type and severity of the injury that is sustained in the lower back. Three common types of injury from golf that need treatment include:
    - Muscle strains. Rough, forceful golf swings or sudden shifts during the downswing can lead to strained muscles.
    - Muscle and tendon attachment. Excessive muscle use, accidents, or swing irregularities tend to cause this type of injury.

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  • Sports Medicine: Preventing Low Back Pain from Golf

    Sports Medicine: Preventing Low Back Pain from Golf

    It is important to note that overuse or overexertion is a major contributing factor to golf-related injuries, accounting for over 80% of reported golf injuries. Gradually increasing the amount of time spent on the golf course will allow the muscles to slowly adapt to the demands of the sport. A little effort and caution go a long way to prevent back pain.

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  • Sports Medicine: Golf and Low Back Pain

    Sports Medicine: Golf and Low Back Pain

    Golf is a favorite sport and pastime among many. However, the torque and force applied across the lower back pain creates a significant risk for developing or worsening lower back pain. People who suffer from chronic or recurrent episodes of low back pain can be frustrated because the pain hinders their ability to play golf.

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  • Basic Back Stretching Exercises for Golfers

    Basic Back Stretching Exercises for Golfers

    Golfing involves a lot of strenuous motion that can put serious stress on the lower back. Exercise physiologists offer advice and stretches to help you avoid it. The benefits of golf are social engagement, getting fresh air, and movement if you skip the cart, you may walk between six and eight miles. Plus, the challenge of it is a pleasure.

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  • Pain In The Groin Of Adolescent Athletes

    Pain In The Groin Of Adolescent Athletes

    It has been reported that groin injuries account for 5% to 9% of all injuries among high school athletes. However, a systematic review suggests that, historically, “groin” injuries have been defined poorly. As recently as five years ago, children or adolescents complaining of groin pain were advised to stretch, ice, and take a rest from the activity which aggravated the discomfort.

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  • Advice For Young Pitchers: Tips For Youth Baseball Throwers

    Advice For Young Pitchers: Tips For Youth Baseball Throwers

    Little League and adolescent throwers are as susceptible to many of the same stresses on their arms as adult players. Often, injuries that develop at a young age may become more serious as the player becomes older. However, certain precautions can be taken to prevent or minimize injuries.

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  • Does The Use Of Artificial Turf Heighten The Likelihood Of Sports Injuries?

    Does The Use Of Artificial Turf Heighten The Likelihood Of Sports Injuries?

    Early Artificial Turf: Ankle Sprains, Concussions, and Major Knee Injuries - Artificial turf has been in use for over 40 years. The initial premise was to use nylon and other synthetic materials to create a surface that was simple to maintain and could be used for indoor stadiums. History has shown us that this noble goal is quite a challenge and a frequent subject of controversy.

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