Blog | Stem Cell, PRP, Acupuncture in Queens & Long Island, New York

  • 5 Benefits of Stem Cell Therapy

    5 Benefits of Stem Cell Therapy

    em cell therapy uses a patient’s own stem cells to help repair damaged tissues and repair injuries. This therapy is a part of the regenerative medicine field that is rapidly growing. Stem cell therapy is used for many conditions including reducing joint pain, increasing motion and flexibility, and treating tendon and ligament tears as well as disc-related low back pain.

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  • Acupuncture Can Reduce the Side Effects of Breast Cancer Treatment

    Acupuncture Can Reduce the Side Effects of Breast Cancer Treatment

    Acupuncture is a wonderful complementary therapy for patients undergoing treatment for breast cancer, both during treatment and after. A diagnosis of breast Cancer turns your world upside-down and the medical procedures used to combat the disease can produce difficult and painful side effects. In fact, some women discontinue treatment because of the side effects.

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  • Common Causes of Shoulder Injuries

    Common Causes of Shoulder Injuries

    The shoulder is a highly mobile joint composed of tendons, ligaments, cartilage, and bones, all of which are prone to injury with activity and sports. People experiencing shoulder pain may be suffering from a variety of conditions such as bursitis, tendinitis, osteoarthritis, or degenerative arthritis. Shoulder pain can also be caused by sports injuries or other accidents, and those over the age of 50 are especially susceptible to developing rotator cuff tendon tears.

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  • No One is Too Old for Stem Cell Therapy

    No One is Too Old for Stem Cell Therapy

    Have you been recommended to undergo surgery? Have you neglected a painful joint condition? Or perhaps you feel too old to even start a treatment that might actually help you? With Stem Cell therapy, although there are a few reasons that would exempt a candidate from treatment, age or be “too old” is definitely not one of them.

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  • How to Manage Back Pain

    How to Manage Back Pain

    Back Pain is one of the most common ailments around. It is thought that roughly 80% of Americans suffer from it at some point in their lives, and it is the second most common reason for visiting the doctor. When you are experiencing it, you can find yourself unable to work and it can have a tangible effect on all aspects of life.

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  • Acupuncture Offers Effective Allergy Relief

    Acupuncture Offers Effective Allergy Relief

    Allergies are a common problem with symptoms ranging from the occasional sniffle to severe, life-threatening reactions. Many people don’t realize how very effective both acupuncture and Chinese herbs are for relieving the many symptoms associated with allergies.

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  • Stem Cell Treatment for Knee Pain Means an Active Retirement!

    Stem Cell Treatment for Knee Pain Means an Active Retirement!

    If you’re in your late 50s or early 60s and spent most of your adult life working 40-60 hour work weeks, chances are you’re very much looking forward to retirement in a few years. Finally, you’ll be able to do what you want, when you want! For most of us, that means kick-starting an active lifestyle that gets us in the shape we need to be in to stay healthy through our advanced years. Whether that lifestyle means long walks on the beach, bike rides on the local trail or a couple of rounds of golf per week, we need our body parts to cooperate with our plans for a full retirement.

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  • Exercise Can Help You Live Longer & Healthily

    Exercise Can Help You Live Longer & Healthily

    When it comes to the health benefits of walking, every step counts. The short bouts of exercise you get throughout the day – a 10-minute walk to the train station; a 5-minute hike up the stairs to the office and the 20-minute post-work power walk – all count toward the recommended daily exercise guidelines.

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  • Are you suffering from Lower Back Pain?

    Are you suffering from Lower Back Pain?

    Are you or your loved ones suffering from lower back pain? Looking for the best treatment for lower back pain? You are not alone. You are one of the 25 million Americans who suffer from back pain. Talk about misery loves company!!! In fact, the lower back pain was the most commonly reported pain site, exceeding joint conditions, headache/migraines, neck, and facial, or jaw pain. Lower back pain and Neck pain are the leading cause of disability in most countries.

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  • Dance to Get Fit and Live Healthily

    Dance to Get Fit and Live Healthily

    Scientific research shows that the best exercise you can get to live longer and in better health is dancing. Dancing does much more for your body, your muscles, and your brain. You have to be disciplined, coordinated, flexible. You need good posture and strong muscles. You have to control your breathing.

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