Blog | Stem Cell, PRP, Acupuncture in Queens & Long Island, New York

  • All You Should Know About Low Back Pain

    All You Should Know About Low Back Pain

    What Is Low Back Pain? - Low back pain is a universal human experience -- almost everyone has it at some point. The lower back, which starts below the ribcage, is called the lumbar region. Pain here can be intense and is one of the top causes of missed work. Fortunately, low back pain often gets better on its own. When it doesn't, there are effective treatments.
    Symptoms of Low Back Pain - Symptoms range from a dull ache to a stabbing or shooting sensation. The pain may make it hard to move or stand up straight. Acute back pain comes on suddenly, often after an injury from sports or heavy lifting. Pain that lasts more than three months is considered chronic.

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  • Use Tennis Balls for DIY Lower Back Pain Massage

    Use Tennis Balls for DIY Lower Back Pain Massage

    Nearly everyone can benefit from massage therapy and its ability to relax muscle tissue and improve blood flow. This may be especially true for chronic patients who rely on frequent treatments from chiropractors or massage therapists. In fact, those with chronic pain may find that they’d like to get more massages, but it's too expensive. With this in mind, we searched for some do-it-yourself ideas and found great examples of how patients with back pain can seek pain relief through do-it-yourself massage techniques. All that’s needed for this DIY massage is a couple of tennis balls, some duct tape, a floor, and no more than 10 to 15 minutes daily.

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  • Use Acupressure to Relieve Neck Pain

    Use Acupressure to Relieve Neck Pain

    Muscle tension and back strain are common causes of neck pain. Worn joints and broken-down cartilage can also be a factor. Neck pain usually centers on one location in your neck, but it can also be dispersed. This kind of pain can take the form of stiffness or spasms. For centuries, people have been turning to reflexology and acupressure to relieve neck pain. Acupressure identifies points on your body that can be massaged and stimulated to relieve health conditions. Treating neck pain with reflexology is still being evaluated for its clinical effectiveness, but anecdotal evidence suggests it works for some people. Keep reading to find out more about the pressure points that might relieve your neck pain.

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  • Why Your Ankle Hurts

    Why Your Ankle Hurts

    Sprained Ankle - It’s a tear in the tissues (called ligaments) that hold your ankle bones together. It often happens when your foot rolls sideways. Your ankle may bruise and swell. You might not be able to put weight on it. RICE is the best way to treat it: Rest, Ice for 20 minutes at a time, Compress with an elastic bandage, Elevate your ankle -- lift it above your heart. A light sprain will get better in a few days. If yours is worse, the doctor may suggest a short cast or walking boot, followed by physical therapy.

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  • Natural Pain Relievers

    Natural Pain Relievers

    Not all pain relief has to come from medical treatment. There are some natural pain relief options that can go a long way in helping you cope with and manage chronic pain. While many of these treatments will not work for everyone, sometimes gaining even a little more pain relief makes it worth a try. Any of the following natural pain relief options are generally easy to try, inexpensive, and have the potential for reducing your pain. Hopefully one or a few will work for you!

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  • How to Treat Neck Pain

    How to Treat Neck Pain

    Is this cause for concern? - Neck pain is also called cervicalgia. The condition is common and usually isn’t a reason to worry. Neck pain can happen for many reasons and can usually be remedied through simple lifestyle changes. For example, your muscles may be tense from sitting for hours at work with poor posture. Neck pain may also be a result of injury from a car crash or even muscle strain from overextending yourself during exercise.

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  • Why Your Arm Hurts

    Why Your Arm Hurts

    Heart Attack - Arm or shoulder pain can be a sign, especially if you also have pain or pressure in the center of your chest and shortness of breath. A heart attack can be sudden, but sometimes it’s gradual. The feeling might last a few minutes, or stop and return. Your stomach, jaw, back, or neck also might hurt. You could also get sick to your stomach, lightheaded, and clammy with sweat. Call 911 if you notice these symptoms.

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  • Options for Degenerative Disc Pain

    Options for Degenerative Disc Pain

    Pain from degenerative disc disease can be debilitating, but you have options. Here are several treatment options and ways to think about managing your degenerative disc disease. Hopefully one or a few of these will work for you. Exercise Relieves Pain - Most people don't associate exercise with pain relief, but when it comes to degenerative disc disease, exercise is an elixir of sorts. It spurs blood flow and builds the supporting structures around the affected disc so that the impact of degeneration is lessened.

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  • Neck Pain: Possible Causes and How to Treat It

    Neck Pain: Possible Causes and How to Treat It

    Your doctor will perform a physical exam and take your complete medical history. Be prepared to tell your doctor about the specifics of your symptoms. You should also let them know about all prescription and over-the-counter (OTC) medications and supplements you’ve been taking. Even if it doesn’t seem related, you should also let your doctor know about any recent injuries or accidents you’ve had. Treatment for neck pain depends on the diagnosis. In addition to a thorough history and physical exam by your doctor, you may also need one or more of the following imaging studies and tests to help your doctor determine the cause of your neck pain:

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  • Why Does My Knee Still Hurt?

    Why Does My Knee Still Hurt?

    Even if your knee injury happened a while ago, it can still cause pain. But so can many other things, including arthritis and other conditions. To find out what’s going on in your case, you’ll need to see your doctor. At that visit, you’ll talk about your symptoms and the injury. You’ll also get a physical exam, and you may need to get an X-ray, MRI, CT scan, or other tests.

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