Blog | Stem Cell, PRP, Acupuncture in Queens & Long Island, New York

  • Mindfulness Meditation for Chronic Pain

    Mindfulness Meditation for Chronic Pain

    What is mindfulness meditation and how can it help to relieve chronic pain? Emotions, thoughts, and perspectives can all have an impact on the way we experience pain. Non-pharmacological interventions such as mindfulness are becoming more widely researched and are viable alternatives or adjunctive therapies for individuals living with chronic pain. Mindfulness-based approaches have been found to positively impact individuals with various pain conditions in terms of decreasing pain, improving quality of life, functioning, and pain acceptance.

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  • Understanding the Causes of Tailbone Pain

    Understanding the Causes of Tailbone Pain

    Coccydynia, commonly called tailbone pain refers to persistent pain at the very bottom of your spine. You may develop this pain after direct trauma or spontaneously without a specific inciting factor. The pain typically lasts for weeks to months and can become debilitating. This blog outlines all you need to know about your tailbone (coccyx), including the specific causes, symptoms, and treatments for tailbone pain.

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  • Risk Factor of Starting Opioid Pain Med

    Risk Factor of Starting Opioid Pain Med

    If you’ve seen the regular stream of stories in the media about the “opioid epidemic,” the thought of starting an opioid pain medication might make you a little uneasy. But if you are scheduled for elective surgery, dental work, or experience an acute injury, your doctor is likely to prescribe one – an estimated 1 out of every 5 patients with non-cancer pain are prescribed opioids by their doctors. So how can you make sure you don’t turn into a bad statistic?

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  • The Physiology of Pain

    The Physiology of Pain

    Pain is one of a series of sensory systems in the human body, including the visual system (sight), the auditory system (hearing), the olfactory system (smell), the gustatory system (taste), and the somatosensory system (touch). While many consider pain to be a part of the somatosensory system/touch system, actually pain has its own dedicated pathways in the body and spinal cord, as well as its own unique areas in the brain. This makes sense when you think of what the purpose of the pain system is.

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  • 4 Beginning Yoga Poses for Those with Scoliosis

    4 Beginning Yoga Poses for Those with Scoliosis

    Engaging in a routine yoga program targeted to treat scoliosis may help reduce the severity, correct your spinal posture, and/or improve balance. To help you kickstart a yoga routine, here are 4 easy yoga poses that you can try at home with a yoga mat or a thick towel. It is important to start slow and easy, and as with any exercise, always check with your doctor or therapist first.
    1. Mountain Pose - This is a great pose for beginning your yoga practice. It helps with balance and core strength, and it is a pose that requires you to stand tall and steady, like a mountain.

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  • Ergonomic Tips for a Home Office

    Ergonomic Tips for a Home Office

    Set Yourself Up for Success - Although you may be able to get your work done at a cramped desk, in poor light, or while you peer at a far-away computer screen, none of these things is great for your body. When you hold yourself in awkward positions, you may get problems with your muscles, tendons, ligaments, or nerves. If you already have a condition like arthritis or diabetes, you may be at higher odds of that happening.

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  • Pain Vs. Suffering & How to Ease the Suffering

    Pain Vs. Suffering & How to Ease the Suffering

    Pain is inevitable; suffering is optional. Let’s take a closer look at this old adage. One of the things that makes pain different when compared to other sensory systems, such as vision, hearing, and touch, is that pain is often directly associated with suffering. While you can get annoyed with a bright light, or irritated with an annoying sound, pain is unique in that prolonged experience with pain in most cases results in at least some degree of distress or suffering. Suffering by its nature encapsulates negative affective or emotional phenomena. A brief look at synonyms for suffering is telling: distress, anguish, hardship, torment, and adversity.

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  • 11 Ways to Indulge Your Spine

    11 Ways to Indulge Your Spine

    A strong and supple spine can help make your activities of daily life more comfortable and less painful. Take time to treat your spine to several of these 11 indulgences and make your favorite ones a part of your everyday routine:
    1. Make Exercise A Lifestyle - Exercise is essential when it comes to maintaining a healthy spine and it can also aid in the rehabilitation of an injured spine.

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  • Ways to Treat Pain at Home

    Ways to Treat Pain at Home

    When to Say When - Pain from injury, accident, or illness can happen to anyone at any time. You can do several things at home to feel better. But go to a doctor if it suddenly gets worse or changes -- especially if there’s tingling, numbness, or burning -- or if nothing you try makes you feel better.

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  • What Fear’s Got to Do with Chronic Pain & Ways to Recover from It

    What Fear’s Got to Do with Chronic Pain & Ways to Recover from It

    Fear and pain are closely related. The more you fear pain, the worse the pain gets. Learn how eliminating fear can help to relieve real physical pain. Chronic pain tends to have an element of fear attached to it because its unpredictability and inherent unpleasantness have taught us to be wary. The greater the fear, the more our brain and bodywork to keep us in ‘fight or flight mode. This saps our body of healing resources, directing our energy for combat or evasion against possible threats instead. We become hypervigilant, and start to pay extra attention to bodily sensations, especially painful ones.

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