Health And Wellness | Stem Cell, PRP, Acupuncture in Queens & Long Island, New York

  • Mindfulness For Chronic Pain: A Comprehensive Guide

    Mindfulness For Chronic Pain: A Comprehensive Guide

    You might have heard the term mindfulness used more and more, and wondered if it’s a fad or if it can help with chronic pain. Mindfulness techniques have gained more attention over the last decade, particularly in treating chronic pain. This article explains that “mind and body practices, such as yoga and meditation, have raised interest in different scientific fields”

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  • 3 Ways to Treat Pain Without Surgery

    3 Ways to Treat Pain Without Surgery

    When you desperately need pain relief and you don’t want surgery, interventional medicine specialists can help. Interventional medicine is a field that specializes in relieving your pain by directly treating its source: the nerves sending the pain signals. Interventional procedures are primarily considered after conventional medical treatments fail to provide pain relief and before you resort to surgical intervention. These three nonsurgical treatments are only a few of the many pain-relieving options.

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  • Avoiding Opioid Based Pain Killers

    Avoiding Opioid Based Pain Killers

    Pain Management Alternatives - Millions of Americans suffer from chronic pain every day. Sports injuries, chronic neck, joint, or headache pain, and even recovering from surgery are all reasons why some people deal with pain. Pain medication prescriptions are written daily by doctors, but what if there was a way to manage pain without the worry of addiction or possible side effects? Today there are several alternative options to get away from powerful pain medications or opioid-based painkillers.

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  • Are Seniors Good Candidates For Physical Therapy?

    Are Seniors Good Candidates For Physical Therapy?

    When most people think about effective treatment for arthritis, Parkinson’s, or even cancer, they think of surgery and prescription medications. But what if physical therapy is the answer? In the last few years, physical therapy has become vital to the treatment and rehabilitation of anyone who is either ill or injured. And especially for older adults and seniors, physical therapy works both as a tool to recover from an injury and prevent several physical ailments.

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  • Surprising Natural Pain Relievers

    Surprising Natural Pain Relievers

    Natural Pain Relief - If you have a toothache, backache, or any other type of pain, your first impulse may be to reach for pain medication. Many people rely on medications, but they can come with a risk of side effects, drug interactions, and sometimes misuse. While certain circumstances may require a prescription or over-the-counter (OTC) pain medication, it may also be possible to find some of the relief you need from a variety of natural pain relievers. Many herbs and spices have a long history of being used to relieve inflammation and pain.

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  • Living With And Beyond The Fatigue That Accompanies Chronic Pain

    Living With And Beyond The Fatigue That Accompanies Chronic Pain

    Fear of chronic pain is a natural reaction, but this emotion actually contributes to the pain cycle! Let’s figure out how to break the pain-fear cycle! Fatigue and chronic pain tend to go hand in hand; often the fatigue can be harder to live with than the pain! Fatigue is not just feeling a bit tired, it’s feeling completely and entirely exhausted through every fiber of your being. This study describes fatigue aptly, Fatigue has been defined as an overwhelming sense of tiredness, lack of energy, and feeling of exhaustion.

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  • The Stress & Chronic Pain Cycle and how to Break it!

    The Stress & Chronic Pain Cycle and how to Break it!

    Stress causes pain, and pain causes stress: this cycle is tough to break but it is possible to do so. This blog explains how. Stress and chronic pain are far more intertwined than you might think; one can cause the other and you can become stuck in this cycle which is increasingly hard to get out of, but it is possible to break free!

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  • Inhale to Heal Pain

    Inhale to Heal Pain

    Knowing these simple breathing techniques can be key in helping you to manage and reduce the effects of persistent pain. To breathe is to be alive, and autonomic bodily function that we hardly pay attention to. It is the first thing we do upon birth and the last thing we do before death. You could say that all life revolves around this simple act. And yet, so many of us are not breathing the way we should, what with the demands and stress in modern society. Many of us take shallow breaths trapped within our chests when directing our breath into our diaphragms is more beneficial for our wellbeing. This accumulates and often leads to aches and pains that go on to become chronic.

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  • How to Let People In When You Have Chronic Pain

    How to Let People In When You Have Chronic Pain

    When someone is in pain, their whole family is impacted. I was reminded of this truth recently as visitors approached my booth at the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books. I was struck by how many people were stopping by my booth on behalf of somebody in their lives who was having a difficult time with chronic pain. The most memorable was when a brother and sister, probably about 5 and 6 years old, dragged their mom over to talk to me about their grandfather, who was struggling with neck pain.

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  • The Dangers of Opioids and Safer Chronic Pain Management Options

    The Dangers of Opioids and Safer Chronic Pain Management Options

    To truly understand the dangers of opioids we need to understand what opioids are. Are opioids more dangerous than they are effective? And what are the alternatives? If you’re someone who suffers from chronic pain, it’s likely that you’ve thought of every potential avenue to ease your suffering. But there are a few pain relief avenues that can cause more harm than good, and opioids are one such example. Opioids can be prescribed by a doctor to treat chronic pain caused by a wide array of things like arthritis, fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, sports injuries, migraines, and more. They’re highly effective but equally as dangerous.

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