Health And Wellness | Stem Cell, PRP, Acupuncture in Queens & Long Island, New York

  • Chronic Pain and Tragic Ends

    Chronic Pain and Tragic Ends

    Chronic pain can lead to suicidal thoughts and even suicidal actions. With chronic pain affecting a high percentage of the population, this is a rising problem that must be addressed. Leaving this issue unchecked is literally fatal. This study on the subject states that “individuals with chronic pain are at least twice as likely to report suicidal behaviors or to complete suicide”.

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  • The Link Between Depression and Chronic Pain

    The Link Between Depression and Chronic Pain

    Depression is common in chronic pain patients. This study states that “up to 85% of patients with chronic pain are affected by severe depression”. What came first is like the analogy of the chicken and the egg. Regardless of which health condition was present in an individual first, they can both influence one another and often become a vicious cycle.

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  • A Guide To Chronic Pain Yoga Poses

    A Guide To Chronic Pain Yoga Poses

    Do you suffer from chronic pain? If so, you may want to consider adding yoga poses to your treatment plan! Yoga effectively manages chronic pain and can help improve flexibility, strength, and mobility. Before We Begin - Please know that it is essential to speak with your pain management team before starting any new exercise routine. And most importantly, it is necessary to start slowly and listen to your body. If you find a particular pose causing pain, stop immediately and consult your physician.

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  • What Is Menopausal Joint Pain?

    What Is Menopausal Joint Pain?

    Menopause & Joint Pain in Women - As women age, they may start to experience joint pain. This can be caused by several factors, including natural aging, menopause, and other health conditions. Joint pain can be debilitating, making it difficult to perform everyday activities. There are various treatment options available, both medical and home remedies. With the right treatment plan, menopausal joint pain can be managed effectively.

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  • Pain Management Clinics: Why You’ve Been Referred & What to Expect

    Pain Management Clinics: Why You’ve Been Referred & What to Expect

    When you are first referred to a pain management clinic, you may be concerned about what exactly will happen there. Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. This guide will take you through all the details, to ease your worries and set you up to make the most of your appointments. What Is a Pain Management Clinic? A pain clinic is a clinic staffed by multiple medical professionals who specialize in diagnosing, treating, and helping patients to manage their pain. You may attend an outpatient or inpatient program.

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  • What NOT to Say to Someone With Chronic Pain

    What NOT to Say to Someone With Chronic Pain

    Chronic pain is often invisible and many people simply don’t understand what they can’t see. This misunderstanding and a general lack of education around chronic illness can fuel stigmatizing beliefs. Even those who mean well and want to help, often say things that are actually the opposite of helpful! Let’s take a look at some phrases that you shouldn’t say to someone with chronic pain.

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  • Managing Arthritis: 5 Healthy Lifestyle Changes

    Managing Arthritis: 5 Healthy Lifestyle Changes

    If you’ve had arthritis for a while, you’ve discovered that conventional medications aren’t the answer to relieving your pain. Although many patients find pain relief with the interventional treatments available, the best way to manage your arthritis, in the long run, is with the following five lifestyle changes. Increase Your Activity - Did you know that exercise is considered to be the most effective non-drug treatment for arthritis?

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  • Why and How Exercise Helps Chronic Pain?

    Why and How Exercise Helps Chronic Pain?

    You might have heard that exercise can help with chronic pain, but this can sound counterproductive as some patients are left with a flare-up. Let’s dive into why and how exercise helps! When you live with chronic pain, it’s natural to be cautious about exercise as you don’t want to worsen your pain. But the truth is, avoiding exercise is doing the opposite of protecting yourself. Being active and exercising really does help your chronic pain, with studies and industry bodies labeling it as “the miracle cures we’ve all been waiting for.”

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  • The Connection Between Stress & Chronic Pain

    The Connection Between Stress & Chronic Pain

    The Impact of Stress on Orthopedic Pain - While everyone experiences heightened levels of stress every now and then, too much stress can exacerbate chronic pain symptoms. The experts at Medicine centers are here to shed some light on the connection between distressing emotions and chronic pain.

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  • Exercise Therapy: A Dynamic Form of Physical Therapy

    Exercise Therapy: A Dynamic Form of Physical Therapy

    Exercise therapy is a form of physical therapy designed to achieve specific therapeutic goals, depending on the patient. This treatment aims to work toward the reduction of pain, as well as restoration and recovery of musculoskeletal function. If you suffer from chronic pain due to an injury or illness, exercise therapy can help you eliminate pain while simultaneously reestablishing your natural flexibility.

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