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| Stem Cell, PRP, Acupuncture in Queens & Long Island, New York
Health And Wellness | Stem Cell, PRP, Acupuncture in Queens & Long Island, New York
There are many ways to treat and self-manage your pain which can be very effective. Unfortunately, sometimes even when pain is well managed you may experience a flare in symptoms. The question is, what are you supposed to do if a flare in your symptoms becomes so bad that it’s unbearable? Let’s take a look at how you can cope with this situation.
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The research available indicates that while trauma may not directly cause chronic pain, it certainly makes people more vulnerable to developing chronic pain. There are many studies that link chronic pain to trauma. The Institute for Chronic Pain states that up to 90% of women with fibromyalgia and up to 60% of patients with arthritis report trauma at some stage in their lives.
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If you live with chronic pain, you will likely have had people tell you that a healthy diet can cure it. This can be frustrating and patronizing. However, the truth is, that while a healthy diet isn’t going to magically cure your pain, it can make a significant positive difference to your pain levels and improve your pain management.
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What Is Hydrotherapy? Hydrotherapy involves the patient being in a heated pool of water, and carrying out specific exercises. The water is usually heated between 33 and 36 degrees Celsius. This is warmer than a typical swimming pool. In some cases, the water may be cooled rather than heated, to treat specific medical conditions.
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Let’s begin by saying that interventional treatments can help you find relief from cancer pain. Even when opioids don’t help, or you want to reduce opioid use, our customized cancer pain management provides substantial relief. It’s important to focus on that hope for pain relief because the reality surrounding cancer pain the things you may not know — can be distressing and discouraging. But learning about cancer pain can help you (or your loved one with cancer) prepare for what’s ahead.
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Following an unhealthy diet is one of the top risk factors for chronic pain. The foods you eat affect your body chemistry, and the substances they contain have the power to cause pain or relieve it. When helping patients overcome chronic pain, medical specialists combine today’s most advanced interventional treatments with dietary recommendations that ease your pain and support your overall health. Here, they explain the connection between your diet and pain.
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When most people think of meditation, they’re likely to begin picturing someone sitting cross-legged in the lotus position, palms resting on their knees while they emit a long, low-humming noise. And while they might be correct in some instances, meditation has well and truly become a common aspect in people’s lives all over the world.
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When you live with chronic pain, it’s natural to be cautious about exercise as you don’t want to worsen your pain. But the truth is, avoiding exercise is doing the opposite of protecting yourself. Being active and exercising does help your chronic pain, with studies and industry bodies labeling it as “the miracle cure we’ve all been waiting for.”
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Pain Management Programs - Pain clinics and self-management programs: You may be referred to a pain management program or clinic by your doctor or specialist. These are in-person programs. Essentially, these programs teach you how to cope with your pain and give you the knowledge and emotional tools that you need to carry on coping at home.
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Alternative And Complementary Treatments - By alternative, we simply mean that these treatments may not be backed by as much medical science as other treatments as explained in this study. This can sometimes mean that they can be harder to access through your doctor. You may need to access them privately.
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