Health And Wellness | Stem Cell, PRP, Acupuncture in Queens & Long Island, New York

  • Treatment Options for Delaying Knee Surgery

    Treatment Options for Delaying Knee Surgery

    Treating Osteoarthritis Before Surgery - There’s no cure for osteoarthritis (OA) yet, but there are several treatment options and lifestyle changes that can relieve your symptoms. A combination of treatments and lifestyle changes can help:
    1.Alleviate symptoms 2.Improve the quality of life 3.A slow progression of the disease 4.Read on to learn about lifestyle changes and other treatments that can help relieve your OA symptoms.

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  • Quick Back Pain Tips for Airplane Rides

    Quick Back Pain Tips for Airplane Rides

    Flying with chronic low back pain? There are steps you can take both before and during your flight to better manage your back pain. Let’s get started with some things you can do prior to your flight. 1. Ask your doctor to help. Your doctor is one of your best advocates when preparing for a vacation.

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  • Tips for Your Work Station and Office Chair

    Tips for Your Work Station and Office Chair

    Did you know a desk job could be hazardous to your health? Sitting too much emerged as a serious health issue in the U.S. last year. Instead of sitting all day, consider alternating standing and sitting at work. Many new adjustable desks make this easier than ever. While you are seated, make sure you are doing all you can to ensure the health of your spine.

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  • Q & A about CBD Oil

    Q & A about CBD Oil

    What is CBD? - It’s short for cannabidiol, and it’s a natural compound found in both marijuana and hemp plants. There’s some evidence that it might help treat pain, seizures, and some other health problems. But much more research is needed for doctors to know for sure what it can do.

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  • How Cervical Selective Nerve Root Blocks Can Ease Neck Pain

    How Cervical Selective Nerve Root Blocks Can Ease Neck Pain

    A pinched nerve in your neck (cervical spine) may result in neck, shoulder, and/or arm pain. In response, your doctor may advise you to get a cervical nerve root block injection to help locate the nerve that is pinched, and also to relieve your pain. A pinched nerve in your neck may be caused by a cervical herniated disc, a cervical degenerated disc, or spinal stenosis (narrowing of your spinal canal).

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  • First Aid for Your Back

    First Aid for Your Back

    First aid for episodes of back and neck pain can work surprisingly well. Here are some of the most effective first aid treatments you can try at home. Pain medication - Two main types of medications can be very helpful for relieving many types of back pain: acetaminophen and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).

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  • 2 - Bad Mattress or Bad Back? Facet Arthritis Symptoms

    2 - Bad Mattress or Bad Back? Facet Arthritis Symptoms

    Possible causes - Some factors increase your risk for developing facet arthritis and the aches and pains associated with it. They include Osteoarthritis: Having a joint problem in your hand or foot doesn’t mean you’ll develop arthritis in your spine. However, joints that are not aligned due to inflammatory arthritis, injury, or subsequent arthritis can lead to greater wear and tear or damage to other joints. That’s why having osteoarthritis somewhere in your body can ultimately lead to arthritis in the joints of your spine.

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  • Treatment - Cartilage, Joints, and the Aging Process

    Treatment - Cartilage, Joints, and the Aging Process

    Treatment - OA doesn’t have a cure. Instead, the goal of treatment is to manage pain and then reduce contributing causes that make symptoms of OA worse. The first step in treating OA is to decrease pain. This is often done with a combination of medications, exercise, and physical therapy. Treatment for OA is often tailored to a person’s lifestyle and what triggers pain and soreness.

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  • 6 Steps to Get Pain Relief with Physical Therapy and Exercise

    6 Steps to Get Pain Relief with Physical Therapy and Exercise

    The use of some type of physical therapy or exercise is integral to almost all forms of back and neck pain treatment. Sometimes physical therapy and exercise are the first lines of treatment, other times it may help manage chronic pain or provide rehabilitation after surgery. But did you know that both gentle back exercise and physical therapy play a vital role in relieving pain? Physical therapy and exercise are perhaps the most mainstream of all non-surgical treatments for back pain and neck pain. And unlike other conservative treatments (medication, injections, etc.), physical therapy can also help prevent and/or lessen future recurrences of back pain or neck pain. Below are 6 steps you can take to get pain relief from incorporating physical therapy or another kind of exercise into your routine.

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  • Bad Mattress or Bad Back? Facet Arthritis Symptoms

    Bad Mattress or Bad Back? Facet Arthritis Symptoms

    Do I have to get out of bed? - Can’t stand up straight without wincing in pain? Neck so stiff you can barely move it? Is twisting to get in or out of the car an awkward, painful dance? Neck and back pain can be annoying. It might be a sign of a simple muscle spasm or ligament strain, but persistent neck or back pain can also be caused by a more serious condition, such as arthritis of the facet joints.

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