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| Stem Cell, PRP, Acupuncture in Queens & Long Island, New York
Health And Wellness | Stem Cell, PRP, Acupuncture in Queens & Long Island, New York
Golfing involves a lot of strenuous motion that can put serious stress on the lower back. Exercise physiologists offer advice and stretches to help you avoid it. The benefits of golf are social engagement, getting fresh air, and movement if you skip the cart, you may walk between six and eight miles. Plus, the challenge of it is a pleasure.
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While evidence of long-term benefits is lacking, research suggests dry needling may provide safe, short-term relief for neck pain. Dry needling, or intramuscular stimulation, involves inserting thin, solid, stainless-steel needles (filiform needles) into specific trigger points to help release tension, promote blood flow, and relieve inflammation.
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If the patient cannot relax or simply dislikes the cavitation/cracking feeling or sound or any concern, a gentle form of chiropractic adjustment may be utilized rather than the more traditional techniques. Some of these methods include a slower (low-velocity) technique performed within the passive range of joint motion.
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Movement is an important part of managing your arthritis. Too much sitting can lead to joint stiffness and muscle weakness. This in turn puts more stress on an arthritic knee or hip, and that can cause more pain. For those who spend a lot of time sitting, whether it’s at a desk or on the couch. Get up every half hour and walk around for at least five minutes.
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Chiropractic adjustment (spinal manipulation) of the cervical spine is usually accomplished with the patient either lying down on his or her back or in a seated position. Alternatively, the patient may be placed in a prone position (lying face down), an approach often used in lower cervical/upper thoracic vertebral and rib/vertebra ("costovertebral") joint manipulation.
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Botox is FDA-approved to treat cervical dystonia, a specific type of neck pain. While some doctors use it off-label to treat other conditions that cause neck pain, Botox does not appear to be effective in treating chronic neck pain. Botox (botulinum toxin) is well known for its ability to smooth out wrinkles. Clinicians also use Botox to treat certain medical conditions, including some that cause neck pain.
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With people relying on their feet a lot more daily, knowing how to care for them properly is important. Here are 5 tips to help you do just that. You may find yourself relying on your feet – whether it’s for the mental or physical benefits of running and walking or just to get where you’re going. But how do you care for those feet, now that they’re getting a lot more use than they may be accustomed to?
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An injured hip can leave a bruise. A bruise occurs when the small blood vessels tear, but the skin doesn’t break. This causes the blood to leak into the surrounding soft tissue and muscle, which leads to discoloration underneath the skin. A bruise is often reddish when it’s fresh and turns blue or purple within a few hours. After a few days, a bruise usually turns yellow or green as it heals.
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Prescription orthotics can help ease pressure and stress on the foot and improve your ability to walk or play sports you love. Here’s what to know. Almost everyone has suffered from foot pain at some point. A poll conducted by the American Podiatric Medical Association found that more than half of all Americans had missed a day of work because of foot problems. Considering that the feet are the major weight-bearing part of the body, it's little wonder we run into issues.
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A bruised muscle, or muscle contusion, is an injury to your muscle fibers and connective tissues. It’s often associated with the muscles in your upper leg. In sports, a bruised muscle is the second-leading cause of sports injuries behind muscle strains. Bruised muscles are typically caused by trauma or blunt force to a body part. This trauma crushes the muscle fibers but doesn’t break the skin tissue. In many cases, a bruised muscle is seen as a mild injury. In more severe cases, they can lead to serious tissue damage and complications.
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