Blog | Stem Cell, PRP, Acupuncture in Queens & Long Island, New York

  • Why Do I Have Chronic Migraines?

    Why Do I Have Chronic Migraines?

    A migraine is a painful and debilitating headache that sometimes requires prescription medication to ease the pain. If you suffer from chronic migraines, a standard over-the-counter headache pill may not be enough. Chronic migraine is defined as having a headache on at least 15 days a month, for over three months. According to an American Migraine Prevalence and Prevention study, 0.5 percent of American men and 1.3 percent of American women experience chronic migraines.

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  • Chronic Pain and the Stigma Against Women

    Chronic Pain and the Stigma Against Women

    Women with chronic pain often face disbelief, invalidation, and discrimination as a result of stigma. Let’s look at the evidence and the causes behind this stigma. Gender bias is profound in chronic pain; At the same time, men face more self-stigma as a reflection of the stereotypical role of masculinity in society, and women face more stigma from loved ones and medical professionals. This National Pain Report found that nearly one out of four female pain patients experience gender discrimination.

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  • How Root Block Helps to Relieve Pain in Your Limbs

    How Root Block Helps to Relieve Pain in Your Limbs

    If there’s one thing we know and that our patients have learned from experience it’s that conventional medical care for chronic limb pain seldom provides enough pain relief. By comparison, the procedures available from interventional medicine specialists are extremely effective because they get to the underlying cause of your pain the nerves carrying pain messages to your brain. Here’s how a root block can relieve limb pain.

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  • Four Causes Of Chronic Back Pain

    Four Causes Of Chronic Back Pain

    Generally, if the pain lasts more than three to six months or beyond the point of tissue healing, it is referred to as “chronic pain.” Chronic back pain can continue even after the illness or injury that caused it has gone away or healed. Chronic back pain signals stay active in the nervous system for weeks, months, or even years. It can have several adverse effects on your life and to get relief, it’s critical to identify the source of chronic pain. That’s the only way you can receive the proper treatment and find permanent relief.

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  • Pain Catastrophizing: How It Works & Available Treatments

    Pain Catastrophizing: How It Works & Available Treatments

    Living with chronic pain is by nature worrying, but when this worry becomes excessive, it can make your physical experience of pain a lot worse. What Is Pain Catastrophizing? A little bit of concern about your pain is natural and doesn’t present a problem. But if you find yourself constantly worrying about the pain, and thinking the worst, you’re ‘catastrophizing’. Every time you do this it signals more danger to the brain (which creates all pain) and as a result, you’ll feel more pain more often.

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  • Why To Live With Pain When PRP Is An Option

    Why To Live With Pain When PRP Is An Option

    Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections go directly to the source of your pain, whether it’s tendonitis, a torn ligament, or degenerative joint disease. Once PRP reaches the damaged tissues, it releases growth factors that trigger healing, reduce inflammation, and subsequently, relieves your pain. When determining whether you qualify for regenerative PRP therapy, the doctors evaluate your overall health and the treatments you’ve already tried. However, the most important factor is the underlying condition causing your pain. In that light, here’s a list of conditions that respond well to PRP injections.

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  • Why Opioid Pain Medication Is Not The Long-Term Answer

    Why Opioid Pain Medication Is Not The Long-Term Answer

    More than 100 million Americans live with chronic pain or long-term pain. Living daily with pain can be more than frustrating, it can be physically and socially debilitating. Chronic pain can be harmful to your overall health by affecting your sleep patterns, trying to remain active and healthy, and even your moods. Dealing with pain daily can lead to individuals losing their jobs, becoming more socially recluse, and an overall decline in their well-being. Every year millions of Americans are given pain medication prescriptions but is this the right solution?

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  • The History of Fibromyalgia

    The History of Fibromyalgia

    Fibromyalgia is often thought of as a new diagnosis! Stigma often results in people thinking that fibromyalgia is just a name that has been thrown on a group of symptoms that doctors can give when they can’t figure out what else is wrong. These misconceptions are damaging and far from true. Fibromyalgia is a valid diagnosis in its own right, and is far from a new disorder; it has a long history, as explained here, “Its definition and content have changed repeatedly in the 110 years of its existence.”

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  • Joint Pain Can Hinder Your Life

    Joint Pain Can Hinder Your Life

    You can’t accomplish much when your joints hurt every time you move. Whether knee or hip pain literally stops you in your tracks, wrist pain interferes with your work, or shoulder pain limits arm movement, call the Pain Management Center. Their innovative regenerative and interventional treatments can effectively relieve pain and restore function.

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  • How Epidural Steroid Injections Can Help You Recover From A Shoulder Injury

    How Epidural Steroid Injections Can Help You Recover From A Shoulder Injury

    Chronic shoulder pain can be debilitating. Normal daily activities such as lifting laundry from the washing machine, carrying groceries from the car into the house, or reaching for an item on a tall shelf can become difficult to perform and cause major discomfort. When pain continues to worsen or fails to respond to other forms of treatment, minimally invasive epidural steroid injections (ESI) may provide some patients the pain relief they need to be able to comfortably perform a wide range of tasks.

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A Trusted Name for Pain Management Treatment Using Today’s Most Advanced Medical Treatments Including No Medication and No Surgery.